All righty then. The One Armed Chin-Up (OACU) is so close, one finger away. I'd spent so much time with weighted chin-up progressions that eventually I found the 100 or so pounds dangling off the dip belt unwieldy. I also feared damaging the door frame from which I hung the chin-up bars. With the switch to off-set, bodyweight only chin-ups and now assisted, one arm isometrics, I am nearly there. Two days ago I pulled a single one-armed chin-up with the assistance of one finger of the free hand, and held on for 10 seconds of bent-arm isometrics. Today, three sets of of the same on each hand followed by 2x3x5 one armed chin-ups (with three finger assist).
-24 tuck lever body row
-20 HSPU (no pike!) + 30 sec bent arm hold
-2x3x(1+ 10 sec hold) assisted OACU
-50 burpees
-pseudo Maltese hold 2x25 secs
I've stalled a little bit on the Maltese progressions. The OACU and handstands distracted me from doing the straight arm isometrics I think are essential to the Maltese. Once I get the OACU suitable for YouTube, the Maltese will have my undivided attention.
A word on the tuck lever rows-intense. I didn't think the tuck lever body row worked my abs so much until I tried tuck planches afterwards. Tuck lever rows followed by tuck planches is a recipe for severe abdominal cramping. The first time I got the cramps, I got one goose-egg shaped knot in my gut. Yesterday, after 23 tuck lever rows, the tuck planches set-off a half dozen goose-egg shaped knots in my gut that doubled me over.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Friday, December 2, 2011
Assisted, single-arm-bent-arm hang (ASABAH)
The Assisted (with two fingers), Single-Arm, Bent Arm Hang-try saying that ten times- is the latest evolution of my OACU training. I've got one of my Rock Rings mounted on the bar for the two finger assist. Pull-up with one arm (with assistance) then hold for 10 seconds. No negatives at this point, so put your feet down and stand between reps.
-20 tuck lever rows (close grip today)
-11 inverted pike push-ups
-6x10 sec tuck planche
-bent arm, dip hold (2x30 secs)
-2x6x(1+10 sec hold) ASABAH
-20 tuck lever rows (close grip today)
-11 inverted pike push-ups
-6x10 sec tuck planche
-bent arm, dip hold (2x30 secs)
-2x6x(1+10 sec hold) ASABAH
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
rethinking the OACU
I've often advised those seeking to increase their pull-up performance to use bent arm hangs and negatives. The strategy worked for me in getting from 10 bodyweight pull-ups to 20. Ironically, in my attempt at the OACU, I've completely forgotten this advice. Instead, I've pursued a path of increasing resistance with weighted and assisted one armed work and it seems to be taking forever. Back to square one.
What I'm going to do is work towards a one armed bent arm hang, then the one armed negative and see how it goes from there. A one armed bent arm hang is just outside my grasp, so I supplemented my purchase on the bar with two fingers of the free hand. This is what I did today.
-20 advanced tuck lever rows
-2x5x6 single-arm db C&P (back is still wonky)
-2x6x10 second, assisted one arm bent arm hang (2 finger assist)
What I'm going to do is work towards a one armed bent arm hang, then the one armed negative and see how it goes from there. A one armed bent arm hang is just outside my grasp, so I supplemented my purchase on the bar with two fingers of the free hand. This is what I did today.
-20 advanced tuck lever rows
-2x5x6 single-arm db C&P (back is still wonky)
-2x6x10 second, assisted one arm bent arm hang (2 finger assist)
Monday, November 28, 2011
TFCC interim report
In case you were wondering, I was, how long the treatment phase is, it's 8-12 weeks ( checked to make sure). Yup, I've got to wear the brace a bit longer. What I can report up to now is that it no longer hurts to do simple things like wash my face or grasp a frying pan. On the weight bearing test, however, I am still not at 100%, more like 80%, and it's still a struggle closing the COC grip trainer on the affected side.
I haven't been sitting on my hands all this time, as you know. I'm still working out, but activities like Sambo and Karate have been discontinued, at least while the wrist is recuperating. Whether I continue with them after recovery is the big question. Don't they say doing the same thing over and over again, in my case fighting, but expecting a different outcome, not getting injured, is a mark of stupidity?
Anyway, my daily workouts over the past week have consisted of 20 tuck lever body rows on the pull-up bar followed by elevated pike push-ups. The pike push-ups are an intermediate step towards handstand push-ups (HSPU). A good base with HSPU's will help in attaining the Maltese (and flag). I've done HSPU's and handstand holds before the wrist injury. The torn TFCC requires this intermediate step. To get into the elevated pike position, I stand a leg's distance from a wall, rest my feet against the wall and assume an inverted pike. Usually I'll do 5x5, with a 10 second bent arm hold after each set. So far, so good. No wrist pain. Yesterday, I used push-up handles to increase the range of motion.
The day after Thanksgiving I did a short workout comprising burpees and tuck-lever body rows: 5x10 of each. It was one of the few times, (second?), since tearing the MCL that I did burpees. I don't know what I was afraid of. I've been doing lots of squats, cleans, swings and rowing anyway.
I haven't been sitting on my hands all this time, as you know. I'm still working out, but activities like Sambo and Karate have been discontinued, at least while the wrist is recuperating. Whether I continue with them after recovery is the big question. Don't they say doing the same thing over and over again, in my case fighting, but expecting a different outcome, not getting injured, is a mark of stupidity?
Anyway, my daily workouts over the past week have consisted of 20 tuck lever body rows on the pull-up bar followed by elevated pike push-ups. The pike push-ups are an intermediate step towards handstand push-ups (HSPU). A good base with HSPU's will help in attaining the Maltese (and flag). I've done HSPU's and handstand holds before the wrist injury. The torn TFCC requires this intermediate step. To get into the elevated pike position, I stand a leg's distance from a wall, rest my feet against the wall and assume an inverted pike. Usually I'll do 5x5, with a 10 second bent arm hold after each set. So far, so good. No wrist pain. Yesterday, I used push-up handles to increase the range of motion.
The day after Thanksgiving I did a short workout comprising burpees and tuck-lever body rows: 5x10 of each. It was one of the few times, (second?), since tearing the MCL that I did burpees. I don't know what I was afraid of. I've been doing lots of squats, cleans, swings and rowing anyway.
100 burpees,
elevated pike push-up,
Thursday, November 10, 2011
A torn TFCC
Finally, my orthopedist diagnoses my bum wrist- torn TFCC (Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex). The treatment, he says, is arthroscopy. I trust the man. If there is any cutting to be done, I am more than confident he can do it. It's just that he won't know whether the surgery will involve debridement, that is removing damaged tissue, or whether he can sew things up. I'd thought about alternative therapies. I was particularly keen on PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma therapy), where growth factors and other proteins extracted from your own blood are injected into your soft tissue injury. Unfortunately, my insurance won't pay for PRP.
In my search for alternate cures I came across the Wrist Widget. What I like about this brace is that it makes my wrist feel stable immediately. It fits my wrist just as I would tape it. If all goes to plan, the TFCC will heal by itself. I'll be able to measure return to function with a simple bathroom scale instead of an MRI machine. If after wearing the brace for a few weeks I can press down on the scale without pain to a level close to what my unaffected arm can do, I am good. If not, there's still the option of arthroscopy. I'm on my second week of wristwidget voodoo. Wish me luck.
Training continues despite the injury. The details are pretty similar to what you've seen before.
-20 bodyweight pull-ups from a tuck lever
-dumbbell clean and press (1-6-1 pyramid)
-10 sec tuck planche
What's new is the tuck lever pull-ups and the tuck planche. The pull-ups were easy, but they probably set up the terrific abdominal cramp I experienced when I attempted the tuck planche. Ay chihuahua!
In my search for alternate cures I came across the Wrist Widget. What I like about this brace is that it makes my wrist feel stable immediately. It fits my wrist just as I would tape it. If all goes to plan, the TFCC will heal by itself. I'll be able to measure return to function with a simple bathroom scale instead of an MRI machine. If after wearing the brace for a few weeks I can press down on the scale without pain to a level close to what my unaffected arm can do, I am good. If not, there's still the option of arthroscopy. I'm on my second week of wristwidget voodoo. Wish me luck.
Training continues despite the injury. The details are pretty similar to what you've seen before.
-20 bodyweight pull-ups from a tuck lever
-dumbbell clean and press (1-6-1 pyramid)
-10 sec tuck planche
What's new is the tuck lever pull-ups and the tuck planche. The pull-ups were easy, but they probably set up the terrific abdominal cramp I experienced when I attempted the tuck planche. Ay chihuahua!
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Maltese on the floor
I have for some time thought about mastering the planche. Since earlier in the year, however, my left wrist has proven so unstable, and lets face it, weak, that there's no way a planche is possible. If I reverse my hand position and use push-up handles, there's no wrist pain. Hello Maltese. Thus begins another long term project.
-Reverse push-ups (3x20)
-Pseudo Maltese holds (35,35,25 secs)
So today was devoted to working the Maltese project which began on 10-4-11. The push-ups and holds will require the use of the push-up handles, which I received as a gift a couple years ago but never found a use for until now. Reverse push-ups are done with my shoulders well forward of my hands, which are gripping the p-u handles underhand fashion. The Pseudo Maltese holds mean my feet are elevated by a bench, arms are straights, hands are gripping the p-u handles, chest off the floor. Much improved on these since the first try two days ago.
-200 kb swings
-6x6 weighted chin-ups w/off-set negs (24 kgs)
My brain wasn't engaged when I started the weighted chin-ups and I did the first set circular fashion. The weighted off-set concentric of the circular pull-ups were barely manageable with 24 kgs on the belt. It felt much better going back to weighted chin-up with off-set negs, but now there's a little soreness in my back and elbow. A little rest and judicious application of the lacrosse ball on the trigger points should do.
-goblet squats (30, 24 kgs, 1 min hold)
-db push press (2x24kgsx35)
-Pseudo Maltese holds (5x10 secs)
-20 bw pull-ups
The day before, I was watching a Marine Corps 20 pull-up test on YouTube.
-20 bw chin-ups
-100 goblet squats
-2x1 min shiko dachi holds
-200 kb swings
-went to rifle range and shot 650 rds of .22 through a Ruger 1022
-5x10 circular pull-ups
These felt a little tough.
-C2 rower, 10 minutes of seeing how the knee holds p to varying levels of intensity. The knee was OK.
Pull-up Project:
750 bw
157 weighted (24 kgs)
25 weighted (26.5 kgs)
25 weighted (25.2 kgs)
44 weighted (40.8 kgs)
40 weighted (42 kgs)
Maltese Project (10-4-11)
145 secs Pseudo Maltese holds
-Reverse push-ups (3x20)
-Pseudo Maltese holds (35,35,25 secs)
So today was devoted to working the Maltese project which began on 10-4-11. The push-ups and holds will require the use of the push-up handles, which I received as a gift a couple years ago but never found a use for until now. Reverse push-ups are done with my shoulders well forward of my hands, which are gripping the p-u handles underhand fashion. The Pseudo Maltese holds mean my feet are elevated by a bench, arms are straights, hands are gripping the p-u handles, chest off the floor. Much improved on these since the first try two days ago.
-200 kb swings
-6x6 weighted chin-ups w/off-set negs (24 kgs)
My brain wasn't engaged when I started the weighted chin-ups and I did the first set circular fashion. The weighted off-set concentric of the circular pull-ups were barely manageable with 24 kgs on the belt. It felt much better going back to weighted chin-up with off-set negs, but now there's a little soreness in my back and elbow. A little rest and judicious application of the lacrosse ball on the trigger points should do.
-goblet squats (30, 24 kgs, 1 min hold)
-db push press (2x24kgsx35)
-Pseudo Maltese holds (5x10 secs)
-20 bw pull-ups
The day before, I was watching a Marine Corps 20 pull-up test on YouTube.
-20 bw chin-ups
-100 goblet squats
-2x1 min shiko dachi holds
-200 kb swings
-went to rifle range and shot 650 rds of .22 through a Ruger 1022
-5x10 circular pull-ups
These felt a little tough.
-C2 rower, 10 minutes of seeing how the knee holds p to varying levels of intensity. The knee was OK.
Pull-up Project:
750 bw
157 weighted (24 kgs)
25 weighted (26.5 kgs)
25 weighted (25.2 kgs)
44 weighted (40.8 kgs)
40 weighted (42 kgs)
Maltese Project (10-4-11)
145 secs Pseudo Maltese holds
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
full body isometric exercise
-200 kb swings
-weighted shiko dachi hold (24 kgs, 1.5 min)
I came up with the weighted shiko dachi a couple of days ago. In the past I had walked around with dumbbells held up by my shoulders in a rack position. It's a great full body isometric exercise, but as I get fatigued, I tended to let the curve of my spine take the weight-not a good thing. Enter the weighted kiba dachi hold. Shiko dachi, for anyone who hasn't taken a karate class, is a wide legged stance where your knees are bent close to parallel, knees and toes are angled outwards. Grab a kettlebell by the horns and draw it up to your chin, hold it close to the body. Assume the shiko dachi position and hold. Don't forget to breathe. After a few seconds, it will be hard to find a muscle group that is not quivering from the effort: pecs, delts, traps, lats rhomboids, abs, erector spinae, glutes, quads. Like Nana's soup, it's all in there.
-weighted pull-ups with off-set negatives (2x5, 3x6, 24 kgs)
-rack hold (2x24 kgs, 2x1 min)
-weighted shiko dachi hold (24 kgs, 1 min)
Clean the db's to your shoulders and walk around for a minute. Rest and repeat. There's your rack hold. I felt like I strained a pec on the weighted off-set negative. Gotta watch that. Maybe more warm-up.
-3hrs of sambo with sambosteve
I have been looking forward to this striking and throwing seminar for weeks. Although the turnout was small, some of the most progressive and influential Kyokushin instructors in the tri-state area were in attendance. My orthopedist would not have been happy to hear what I was doing, but I organized the event. I had to be there. Besides, good buds were signed-up.
For some, throwing and falling were new experiences. I was pretty happy to work on closing-in with a technique Steve called Key 2.
-circular pull-ups (8x10)
Pull-up Project:
660 bw
121 weighted (24 kgs)
25 weighted (26.5 kgs)
25 weighted (25.2 kgs)
44 weighted (40.8 kgs)
40 weighted (42 kgs)
-200 kb swings
-weighted shiko dachi hold (24 kgs, 1.5 min)
I came up with the weighted shiko dachi a couple of days ago. In the past I had walked around with dumbbells held up by my shoulders in a rack position. It's a great full body isometric exercise, but as I get fatigued, I tended to let the curve of my spine take the weight-not a good thing. Enter the weighted kiba dachi hold. Shiko dachi, for anyone who hasn't taken a karate class, is a wide legged stance where your knees are bent close to parallel, knees and toes are angled outwards. Grab a kettlebell by the horns and draw it up to your chin, hold it close to the body. Assume the shiko dachi position and hold. Don't forget to breathe. After a few seconds, it will be hard to find a muscle group that is not quivering from the effort: pecs, delts, traps, lats rhomboids, abs, erector spinae, glutes, quads. Like Nana's soup, it's all in there.
-weighted pull-ups with off-set negatives (2x5, 3x6, 24 kgs)
-rack hold (2x24 kgs, 2x1 min)
-weighted shiko dachi hold (24 kgs, 1 min)
Clean the db's to your shoulders and walk around for a minute. Rest and repeat. There's your rack hold. I felt like I strained a pec on the weighted off-set negative. Gotta watch that. Maybe more warm-up.
-3hrs of sambo with sambosteve
I have been looking forward to this striking and throwing seminar for weeks. Although the turnout was small, some of the most progressive and influential Kyokushin instructors in the tri-state area were in attendance. My orthopedist would not have been happy to hear what I was doing, but I organized the event. I had to be there. Besides, good buds were signed-up.
For some, throwing and falling were new experiences. I was pretty happy to work on closing-in with a technique Steve called Key 2.
-circular pull-ups (8x10)
Pull-up Project:
660 bw
121 weighted (24 kgs)
25 weighted (26.5 kgs)
25 weighted (25.2 kgs)
44 weighted (40.8 kgs)
40 weighted (42 kgs)
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
single-arm db clean and press
I seem to have tweaked something in my knee the other day when I was doing my db clean workout, so for now I'll stick to single-arm db exercises. Yesterday I gave the knees a rest and did weighted pull-ups with off-set negatives. As I mentioned before, I would give these a go before trying weighted circular pull-ups. Off-set negs are challenging with 24 kgs on the dip belt.
-weighted pull-ups with off-set negatives (5x5, 24 kgs)
-10 minutes of single-arm, db c&p (24 kgs, 60 reps)
Pressing continues to bother my left wrist. The smart thing would be to stop.
Pull-up Project:
580 bw
93 weighted (24 kgs)
25 weighted (26.5 kgs)
25 weighted (25.2 kgs)
44 weighted (40.8 kgs)
40 weighted (42 kgs)
-weighted pull-ups with off-set negatives (5x5, 24 kgs)
-10 minutes of single-arm, db c&p (24 kgs, 60 reps)
Pressing continues to bother my left wrist. The smart thing would be to stop.
Pull-up Project:
580 bw
93 weighted (24 kgs)
25 weighted (26.5 kgs)
25 weighted (25.2 kgs)
44 weighted (40.8 kgs)
40 weighted (42 kgs)
Monday, September 19, 2011
New thoughts on the pull-up project
-hang-power cleans (6x10)
-roll-outs (5x10)
If I were limited to one workout this might be it, just 10 minutes.
-weighted chin-ups (40.8 kgs)
I struggled a bit trying to hang on more plates to the dip belt. It just got too unwieldy. I decided to back off the weight just a little and go for doubles instead of singles. Seven sets of doubles felt tougher than ten sets of singles.
-100 goblet squats
-circular pull-ups (7x10)
Circular pull-ups are not to be underestimated. I wonder if instead of going to heavier, conventional weighted pull-ups to achieve the OACU, I instead use moderately weighted circular pull-ups. Hmmnn. Better to start with weighted, off-set negs.
Pull-up Project:
580 bw
68 weighted (24 kgs)
25 weighted (26.5 kgs)
25 weighted (25.2 kgs)
44 weighted (40.8 kgs)
40 weighted (42 kgs)
-hang-power cleans (6x10)
-roll-outs (5x10)
If I were limited to one workout this might be it, just 10 minutes.
-weighted chin-ups (40.8 kgs)
I struggled a bit trying to hang on more plates to the dip belt. It just got too unwieldy. I decided to back off the weight just a little and go for doubles instead of singles. Seven sets of doubles felt tougher than ten sets of singles.
-100 goblet squats
-circular pull-ups (7x10)
Circular pull-ups are not to be underestimated. I wonder if instead of going to heavier, conventional weighted pull-ups to achieve the OACU, I instead use moderately weighted circular pull-ups. Hmmnn. Better to start with weighted, off-set negs.
Pull-up Project:
580 bw
68 weighted (24 kgs)
25 weighted (26.5 kgs)
25 weighted (25.2 kgs)
44 weighted (40.8 kgs)
40 weighted (42 kgs)
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
So the orthopedist says that my MCL tear is healing well. I'm not to do anything but keep the knees parallel. That means no Sambo for at least 2 months, and then no contact for a little while longer. Argh!
-200 kb swings
-5x5 weighted chin-ups (26.5 kgs)
-5x10 db hang power cleans
-5x10 kneeling ab roll-outs
I haven't done hang power cleans in a while. I remember how they helped out my wrist when I injured it years ago. I'm putting the hang power cleans back in rotation. Maybe they'll work the same magic on my wrist. The pull-up project proceeds steadily.
-4x10 db hang power cleans
-4x10 kneeling ab-roll-outs
How many sets of hang power cleans and ab-roll outs can I do in 10 minutes? The sad answer was only 4. The next time, 5. I think up to 8 is doable.
Pull-up Project:
510 bw
68 weighted (24 kgs)
25 weighted (26.5 kgs)
25 weighted (25.2 kgs)
30 weighted (40.8 kgs)
40 weighted (42 kgs)
-200 kb swings
-5x5 weighted chin-ups (26.5 kgs)
-5x10 db hang power cleans
-5x10 kneeling ab roll-outs
I haven't done hang power cleans in a while. I remember how they helped out my wrist when I injured it years ago. I'm putting the hang power cleans back in rotation. Maybe they'll work the same magic on my wrist. The pull-up project proceeds steadily.
-4x10 db hang power cleans
-4x10 kneeling ab-roll-outs
How many sets of hang power cleans and ab-roll outs can I do in 10 minutes? The sad answer was only 4. The next time, 5. I think up to 8 is doable.
Pull-up Project:
510 bw
68 weighted (24 kgs)
25 weighted (26.5 kgs)
25 weighted (25.2 kgs)
30 weighted (40.8 kgs)
40 weighted (42 kgs)
Friday, September 9, 2011
goblet squats and my knee
As long as my knee is restricted to just hinging forwards and backwards the MCL tear doesn't seem to balk. A jolt to the side will remind me that things aren't normal, but otherwise, things seem normal.
-200 kb swings
Nothing new here, but it is pleasing to note an absence of pain.
-circular pull-ups (5x10)
-100 goblet squats
OK, so I increased the number of circular pull-ups by 10. If you don't usually feel your lats working when you do regular pull-ups, the circular variety will remind you how integral they are to pulling. I was feeling good at the 50 rep mark, so pushed on until I completed 100 goblet squats with my 24 kgs kettlebell. To perform the goblet squat, grasp the KB by the horns and hold at about chin height. You'll have to brace as well as squeeze the bell to keep it in position. The end result is a nice isometric upper body workout along with your squat. Nifty, huh?
Pull-up Project:
510 bw
68 weighted (24 kgs)
25 weighted (25.2 kgs)
30 weighted (40.8 kgs)
40 weighted (42 kgs)
-200 kb swings
Nothing new here, but it is pleasing to note an absence of pain.
-circular pull-ups (5x10)
-100 goblet squats
OK, so I increased the number of circular pull-ups by 10. If you don't usually feel your lats working when you do regular pull-ups, the circular variety will remind you how integral they are to pulling. I was feeling good at the 50 rep mark, so pushed on until I completed 100 goblet squats with my 24 kgs kettlebell. To perform the goblet squat, grasp the KB by the horns and hold at about chin height. You'll have to brace as well as squeeze the bell to keep it in position. The end result is a nice isometric upper body workout along with your squat. Nifty, huh?
Pull-up Project:
510 bw
68 weighted (24 kgs)
25 weighted (25.2 kgs)
30 weighted (40.8 kgs)
40 weighted (42 kgs)
circular pull-ups,
goblet squats,
kettlebell swings
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Gina Carano would kick my butt, at least in the guise of Mallory Kane, a black ops killing machine in Steven Soderbergh's Haywire, due January 2012. I caught this trailer (click title) in the theater over the weekend and was hooked. With Soderbergh directing and a cast that includes Ewan McGregor, Antonio Banderas, Michael Douglas, Bill Paxton, and Gina Carrano, this movie promises to pack a bigger punch than Colombiana (Luc besson and Zoe Saldana) which was good entertainment in my book.
-2x10 pushpress, 2x10 overhead press
-50 goblet squats
-20x1 weighted pull-up (42 kgs)
460 bw
68 weighted (24 kgs)
25 weighted (25.2 kgs)
30 weighted (40.8 kgs)
40 weighted (42 kgs)
-2x10 pushpress, 2x10 overhead press
-50 goblet squats
-20x1 weighted pull-up (42 kgs)
460 bw
68 weighted (24 kgs)
25 weighted (25.2 kgs)
30 weighted (40.8 kgs)
40 weighted (42 kgs)
Monday, September 5, 2011
Beyond the MCL tear
Today I tested my injured knee by doing some goblet squats with my 24 kgs kettlebell. I know from the swings that as long as my knees tracked over my feet there would be no pain, and there wasn't. I didn't go ass to grass on the squats, but just below parallel was doable.
-100 kb swings
-50 goblet squats
-2x30 secs kneeling roll-out holds
-200 kb swings
-4x10 circular pull-ups
Circular pull-ups are the next step beyond off-set negatives as they comprise an off-set concentric pull-up with the eccentric off-set negative. Your body essentially traces a circle parallel to the plane of the pull-up bar. I had planned on doing 100 of these, as they were "only" bodyweight, but I underestimated how difficult the off-set concentrics turned out to be.
460 bw
68 weighted (24 kgs)
25 weighted (25.2 kgs)
30 weighted (40.8 kgs)
20 weighted (42 kgs)
-100 kb swings
-50 goblet squats
-2x30 secs kneeling roll-out holds
-200 kb swings
-4x10 circular pull-ups
Circular pull-ups are the next step beyond off-set negatives as they comprise an off-set concentric pull-up with the eccentric off-set negative. Your body essentially traces a circle parallel to the plane of the pull-up bar. I had planned on doing 100 of these, as they were "only" bodyweight, but I underestimated how difficult the off-set concentrics turned out to be.
460 bw
68 weighted (24 kgs)
25 weighted (25.2 kgs)
30 weighted (40.8 kgs)
20 weighted (42 kgs)
Friday, September 2, 2011
File under pull-ups
The Pull-up project is looking like this: a body weight pull-up day; a moderately weighted, pull-up day; a heavy, weighted pull-up day. This week, I increased the weight of both weighted pull-ups by 1.25 kgs; the smallest weight plate I've got.
-200 kb swings
-5x5 weighted pull-ups (25.2 kgs)
420 bw
68 weighted (24 kgs)
25 weighted (25.2 kgs)
30 weighted (40.8 kgs)
20 weighted (42 kgs)
-200 kb swings
-5x5 weighted pull-ups (25.2 kgs)
420 bw
68 weighted (24 kgs)
25 weighted (25.2 kgs)
30 weighted (40.8 kgs)
20 weighted (42 kgs)
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
These boots were made for walking
in a swamp or the woods or sitting up in a tree stand. That's right, Mossy-Oak patterned, knee-high, rubber hunting boots are now mine. What's a city boy like me going to do with these things? Well, the plan was to wear them when walking my kids to school or walking the dog (haven't got one yet ) during inclement weather. Of course, now that I have my footwear sorted for the next tropical storm or hurricane, weather patterns will shift and we'll go through a prolonged dry spell the duration of which is certain to last until the rubber on these fine boots is cracked. I guess I can always go hunting.
-20x1 weighted pull-ups (42 kgs)
-3x10 kneeling roll-outs w/10 secs holds
Well, the pull-up project continued today with some heavy singles. I threaded the smallest plate on the dip belt before hanging the db on the loop. I rested 30 secs between each rep. No problem.
420 bw
68 weighted (24 kgs)
30 weighted (40.8 kgs)
20 weighted (42 kgs)
-20x1 weighted pull-ups (42 kgs)
-3x10 kneeling roll-outs w/10 secs holds
Well, the pull-up project continued today with some heavy singles. I threaded the smallest plate on the dip belt before hanging the db on the loop. I rested 30 secs between each rep. No problem.
420 bw
68 weighted (24 kgs)
30 weighted (40.8 kgs)
20 weighted (42 kgs)
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Dodging a bullet
New York City dodged a bullet named Hurricane Irene. A worst case scenario predicted blown out windows and flying debris acting like shrapnel. My family was prepared to sit out the tempest in our building's stairwell, the only space shielded on 4 sides by concrete. As it turned out, the winds never reached hurricane proportions. We spent the weekend parked in front of the television watching a stack of dvd's which we expected would be interrupted by a power outage that never came. Letters from Iwo Jima, Jennifer's Body were two standout films. Less well received were Old Dogs and Kandahar. We also caught up on past episodes of the TV series Bones. No, I did not work-out.
-10x10 bw pull-ups w/ off-set negs
Because the Rock Rings cause my body to hang so low from the pull-up bar, I have to do these pull-ups with my knees raised into what looks like a bad L-sit. It ends up being somewhat of a core workout.
-140 kb swings
-2x10 heavy, 2x10 light presses
420 bw
68 weighted (24 kgs)
30 weighted (40.8 kgs)
-10x10 bw pull-ups w/ off-set negs
Because the Rock Rings cause my body to hang so low from the pull-up bar, I have to do these pull-ups with my knees raised into what looks like a bad L-sit. It ends up being somewhat of a core workout.
-140 kb swings
-2x10 heavy, 2x10 light presses
420 bw
68 weighted (24 kgs)
30 weighted (40.8 kgs)
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Hunkering down for Irene
The calm before the storm is quite calm. If it weren't for the news, you wouldn't believe that a major atmospheric disturbance was in the works. When Mayor Bloomberg announced mandatory evacuation for low lying area of New York and the shutting down of mass transit (the first ever), people started behaving a little erratically. There was a line outside Trader Joe's Wine Shop as if it were Superbowl Sunday Eve. Wine? Supermarkets, drug stores, hardware stores and sporting goods stores (camping and outdoor wear) were mobbed. SIze D batteries disappeared off shop shelves, and a local shop tried to sell me a roll of duct tape for $30!
On the streets, people are walking with set jaws and bags of groceries. Naturally, joggers are putting in their mileage before the worst hits. I thought pigeons, the city's own canary in a coal mine, would have flown the coop. Intrepid New Yorkers that they are, I witnessed them scratching around for grub, one even plopped down in the middle of the street. Yeah, it sat there as if it were nesting over some eggs, in the middle of the street. I wondered if it was bird chutzpah or surrender.
My fear is the wind and flooding. I'm not sure if my buildings windows can withstand the gusts. The atrium is goner for sure. Once the glass goes, and the storm drains back-up (as they do with every rainfall), the koi in the lobby fish pond may find themselves in the mail room or plying the waters of First Avenue. In case our windows are blown in, I'm taking down whatever hangs on the walls: pictures; mirrors; whatever can be turned into a decapitating missile.
-hurricane preparation
On the streets, people are walking with set jaws and bags of groceries. Naturally, joggers are putting in their mileage before the worst hits. I thought pigeons, the city's own canary in a coal mine, would have flown the coop. Intrepid New Yorkers that they are, I witnessed them scratching around for grub, one even plopped down in the middle of the street. Yeah, it sat there as if it were nesting over some eggs, in the middle of the street. I wondered if it was bird chutzpah or surrender.
My fear is the wind and flooding. I'm not sure if my buildings windows can withstand the gusts. The atrium is goner for sure. Once the glass goes, and the storm drains back-up (as they do with every rainfall), the koi in the lobby fish pond may find themselves in the mail room or plying the waters of First Avenue. In case our windows are blown in, I'm taking down whatever hangs on the walls: pictures; mirrors; whatever can be turned into a decapitating missile.
-hurricane preparation
Friday, August 26, 2011
Getting on with the MCL tear
I'd like to say that the MCL tear isn't impacting my training, but that would be a lie. I'm off Sambo, which I don't like one bit. I'm also cautious about the things I do. I haven't rowed. Forget about squats and burpees. I have been able to continue with kettlebell swings and overhead pressing hasn't been impacted too much. The pull-up project hasn't suffered.
-10x10 bw pull-ups w/ off-set negs
Started off the week with a lot of pull-ups. I've done this many before (100 burpees and pull-ups) but the off-set negs set these apart.
-200 kb swings
-2x10 heavy db push press, 2x10 light db OHP
I started mixing up the grips, doubles as well as singles on the swings. With the singles, I place my thumb over my index finger so as not to fatigue the grip and send the kb soaring.
-20 bw pull-ups
-20x1 weighted pull-ups (40.8 kgs)
-200 kb swings
-2x10 heavy db push press, 2x10 light db OHP
-5x5 weighted chin-ups (24 kgs)
-3x10 bw pull-ups on the Rock Rings w/off-set negs
-100 kb swings
-3x10 kneeling roll-outs w/10 secs holds/rep
Didn't have 200 kb swings in me today. I'm pleased the 5x5 chin-ups with my KB felt easier than previous workouts. I'll try doubles with 40.8 kgs next time. I stuck with kneeling roll-outs as I wasn't sure how the MCL tear would deal with my kneeling to standing variation.
320 bw
68 weighted (24 kgs)
30 weighted (40.8 kgs)
-10x10 bw pull-ups w/ off-set negs
Started off the week with a lot of pull-ups. I've done this many before (100 burpees and pull-ups) but the off-set negs set these apart.
-200 kb swings
-2x10 heavy db push press, 2x10 light db OHP
I started mixing up the grips, doubles as well as singles on the swings. With the singles, I place my thumb over my index finger so as not to fatigue the grip and send the kb soaring.
-20 bw pull-ups
-20x1 weighted pull-ups (40.8 kgs)
-200 kb swings
-2x10 heavy db push press, 2x10 light db OHP
-5x5 weighted chin-ups (24 kgs)
-3x10 bw pull-ups on the Rock Rings w/off-set negs
-100 kb swings
-3x10 kneeling roll-outs w/10 secs holds/rep
Didn't have 200 kb swings in me today. I'm pleased the 5x5 chin-ups with my KB felt easier than previous workouts. I'll try doubles with 40.8 kgs next time. I stuck with kneeling roll-outs as I wasn't sure how the MCL tear would deal with my kneeling to standing variation.
320 bw
68 weighted (24 kgs)
30 weighted (40.8 kgs)
kettlebell swings,
MCL tear,
Rock Rings,
weighted pull-ups
Friday, August 19, 2011
Litvi sprints
A friend of mine just reminded me that the squat and sprint T-Nation article looks very much like Litvi Sprints, described by Dan John (click title). Thanks for the heads-up Fred. Call it what you want, but I like 'em. I can't wait to give them a thorough going over. Just not now.
The doctor confirmed a partial tear of the MCL in my right knee. I'm stuck with a hinged brace for six weeks. At least I can walk around and do KB swings.
-200 kb swings
-2x10, heavy push press, 2x10 light OHP
-200 kb swings
-20 bw pull-ups w/off-set negs
-3x10 bw dips, 2x10 weighted dips (30 lbs)
The off-set negatives spice up bodyweight pull-ups like a hit of cayenne pepper. I can imagine progressing from off-set negs to off-set concentric to OACU.
170 bw
43 weighted (24 kgs)
10 weighted (40.8 kgs)
The doctor confirmed a partial tear of the MCL in my right knee. I'm stuck with a hinged brace for six weeks. At least I can walk around and do KB swings.
-200 kb swings
-2x10, heavy push press, 2x10 light OHP
-200 kb swings
-20 bw pull-ups w/off-set negs
-3x10 bw dips, 2x10 weighted dips (30 lbs)
The off-set negatives spice up bodyweight pull-ups like a hit of cayenne pepper. I can imagine progressing from off-set negs to off-set concentric to OACU.
170 bw
43 weighted (24 kgs)
10 weighted (40.8 kgs)
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Squat & Sprint: food for thought
I read yet another interesting article on T-Nation (click title) on the topic of mass and strength. It cites the example of Ben Johnson, pre-doping scandal, where one of his workouts comprised heavy squats followed immediately by sprints. The performance gains, as related by the article are impressive. It got me thinking.
I won't be squatting anytime soon. I'll know more about the condition of my knee after visiting with the doc. The pull-up project might benefit from this protocol: eg. weighted pull-ups followed by unweighted. Heck, why not everything else, presses, roll-outs, and eventually squats?
Dr.'s visit
-20 bw pull-ups
-weighted pull-ups (10x1, 90 lbs)
-20 bw pull-ups
-open grip (three fingers), supported hang, 1 min
-push-press (3x10, 50); OHP (3x10,30)
-200 kb swings
150 bw
43 weighted (24 kgs)
10 weighted (40.8 kgs)
I won't be squatting anytime soon. I'll know more about the condition of my knee after visiting with the doc. The pull-up project might benefit from this protocol: eg. weighted pull-ups followed by unweighted. Heck, why not everything else, presses, roll-outs, and eventually squats?
Dr.'s visit
-20 bw pull-ups
-weighted pull-ups (10x1, 90 lbs)
-20 bw pull-ups
-open grip (three fingers), supported hang, 1 min
-push-press (3x10, 50); OHP (3x10,30)
-200 kb swings
150 bw
43 weighted (24 kgs)
10 weighted (40.8 kgs)
kettlebell swings,
open grip hang,
weighted pull-ups
Friday, August 12, 2011
PUP: Day 3
-20 bw pull-ups
-5x4, 1x3, weighted RR pull-ups (24 kgs)
-10 bw w/ off-set negatives
-20 sec open grip RR hang (3 fingers)
First time doing weighted pull-ups on the RR using a crimp grip, basically 4 fingers of each hand curled over the top. Three finger tip, open grip hang was ridiculously difficult.
-40 knees to bar (on the Rock Rings)
-1 minute dead hang
-40 bw RR pull-ups
-weighted pull-ups with off-set negatives (5x4, 24 kgs)
110 bw
43 weighted (24 kgs)
-20 bw pull-ups
-5x4, 1x3, weighted RR pull-ups (24 kgs)
-10 bw w/ off-set negatives
-20 sec open grip RR hang (3 fingers)
First time doing weighted pull-ups on the RR using a crimp grip, basically 4 fingers of each hand curled over the top. Three finger tip, open grip hang was ridiculously difficult.
-40 knees to bar (on the Rock Rings)
-1 minute dead hang
-40 bw RR pull-ups
-weighted pull-ups with off-set negatives (5x4, 24 kgs)
110 bw
43 weighted (24 kgs)
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
The Pull-Up project
Click on the title for a link to a T-Nation article that has got me excited about a pull-up project. The seed of this project was planted long ago, but germinated yesterday when I sprained my knee (I'm thinking partially torn MCL). My Sambo partner had me in an ankle lock. He went one way, I went the other, POP! Anyway, I won't be able to do much with my legs, so how to continue training? The answer results from a convergence of many things: Rock Rings; guilt over failed 100x100 burpee challenge; bum wrist; OACU; now lame knee. Since I've got to give my knee a rest, and it feels like my wrist responds well to pulling rather than pushing, I'm going to pull everyday, or near as I can manage, count the reps, and note any changes.
-40 RR pull-ups
-weighted pull-ups with offset negatives (5x4, 24 kgs)
40 bw
20 24kgs
-40 RR pull-ups
-weighted pull-ups with offset negatives (5x4, 24 kgs)
40 bw
20 24kgs
bent arm hangs,
Rock Rings,
weighted pull-ups
Monday, August 8, 2011
Burpees+Rock Ring pull-ups
-10x (10 burpees + 5 Rock Ring pull-ups)
It's been a while since I have done any burpees and the experience wasn't bad. I think the kb swings kept rust from forming, because I barely broke a sweat. The imploding stock market had my heart racing; burpees, not so much. The push-ups still bother my wrist. The perfect push-up handles make the burpees possible.
-10x (10 burpees + 5 Rock Ring pull-ups)
It's been a while since I have done any burpees and the experience wasn't bad. I think the kb swings kept rust from forming, because I barely broke a sweat. The imploding stock market had my heart racing; burpees, not so much. The push-ups still bother my wrist. The perfect push-up handles make the burpees possible.
Saturday, August 6, 2011
getting to know the rock rings
I've found my Rock Rings to be a good purchase. The top part of the rings feel molded to my hand which makes it comfortable for ring dips. Instead of lashing straps or webbing, I use a 3/8's inch diameter section of rope to hang the rings from my pull-up bar, a doorway type. You don't even need carabiners, just two round turns and two half-hitches to secure the ends of the rope to the loops on the rings. The doorway pull-up bar surprises me by its sturdiness. Thus far it has coped with a static load of 250 lbs, me and 90 lbs on a dip belt. Someday, I hope to test the Rock Rings in a similar manner (actually a test of my wrist).
-200 kb swings
-5x5x5 count Rock Ring dips
-5x5 Rock Ring knees to elbows
-Rock Ring tuck planche
My left wrist prevents me from using anything other than a crimp grip while hanging from the rings. Bummer 'cause I was keen on using the rings for more open-hand grips. The knees to elbows and the tuck planche are a bit harder from the rings than just the bar.
-100 kb swings
-db push press 2x5x5x50 lbs
I dropped the weight from R80 lbs and L 65 pounds down to 50 lbs on the db so as relieve the stress on my back. This time, I'll increase the weight more conservatively to avoid re-injury.
-100 kb swings
-2x10 kneeling to standing roll-outs
-200 kb swings
-5x5x5 count Rock Ring dips
-5x5 Rock Ring knees to elbows
-Rock Ring tuck planche
My left wrist prevents me from using anything other than a crimp grip while hanging from the rings. Bummer 'cause I was keen on using the rings for more open-hand grips. The knees to elbows and the tuck planche are a bit harder from the rings than just the bar.
-100 kb swings
-db push press 2x5x5x50 lbs
I dropped the weight from R80 lbs and L 65 pounds down to 50 lbs on the db so as relieve the stress on my back. This time, I'll increase the weight more conservatively to avoid re-injury.
-100 kb swings
-2x10 kneeling to standing roll-outs
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Rock Rings
I let the wave of gymnastic ring training pass because I thought I'd make my own eventually. There are instructional videos available to help you make gymnastic rings from plywood or pvc, I was planning on going the Petco route- use two large dog pull toys and some nylon strapping. And then I saw the light: Rock Rings (click on the title).
Rock Rings are designed for climbers. They resemble small handholds such as you might find on a rock face, only these can be suspended from an eye hook or pull-up bar. As soon as I saw these things I knew my search for gymnastic rings were over. My plan for the Rock Rings is to use them for ring dips and various pull-up progressions.
-ring dips (5x3, 3x5)
-off set, Rock Ring bent arm hangs (6x10 sec)
It took me a while to get the hang of the ring dips, 5 sets of three as a matter of fact. I did an additional 3x5 to make sure I got it. In order to perform dips, I used a length of rope to suspend the Rock Rings from my doorway pull-up bar. Balancing on the Rock Rings hit my triceps a little harder than regular dips. I was going to do some bodyweight pull-ups with my new toys, but found the finger holds put a lot of stress on my bum wrist. I went with bent arm hangs.
If you are planning on doing gymnastic ring training, give Rock Rings a thought.
Rock Rings are designed for climbers. They resemble small handholds such as you might find on a rock face, only these can be suspended from an eye hook or pull-up bar. As soon as I saw these things I knew my search for gymnastic rings were over. My plan for the Rock Rings is to use them for ring dips and various pull-up progressions.
-ring dips (5x3, 3x5)
-off set, Rock Ring bent arm hangs (6x10 sec)
It took me a while to get the hang of the ring dips, 5 sets of three as a matter of fact. I did an additional 3x5 to make sure I got it. In order to perform dips, I used a length of rope to suspend the Rock Rings from my doorway pull-up bar. Balancing on the Rock Rings hit my triceps a little harder than regular dips. I was going to do some bodyweight pull-ups with my new toys, but found the finger holds put a lot of stress on my bum wrist. I went with bent arm hangs.
If you are planning on doing gymnastic ring training, give Rock Rings a thought.
Monday, August 1, 2011
Shut-up and pull
In the back of my mind is the goal of the one-armed chin(pull) up, in the front is pulling for Judo, Sambo, rowing, you name it. On Friday I did six singles of weighted pull-ups (90 lbs.) and two additional weighted negatives.
-100 kb swings
-2x10 db c&p (2x50 lbs)
-10 kneeling to standing rollouts
-wrist levers with shinai and iato
-100 kb swings
-3x3 1.5 weighted pull-ups, 24kgs, (click on the title for the link)
-Tabata row
The wrist is getting ever so broken down. The db C&P's hurt like hell. KB swings and pulling, hardly any pain at all. The T-Nation article referenced above is very interesting. I tried the 1.5 pull-ups, and liked them. The 1.5 consists of a pull-up, descend half-way, pull-up again and descend fully for one rep.
-100 kb swings
-2x10 db c&p (2x50 lbs)
-10 kneeling to standing rollouts
-wrist levers with shinai and iato
-100 kb swings
-3x3 1.5 weighted pull-ups, 24kgs, (click on the title for the link)
-Tabata row
The wrist is getting ever so broken down. The db C&P's hurt like hell. KB swings and pulling, hardly any pain at all. The T-Nation article referenced above is very interesting. I tried the 1.5 pull-ups, and liked them. The 1.5 consists of a pull-up, descend half-way, pull-up again and descend fully for one rep.
close grip chin-ups,
L-sit pull-ups,
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
gotcha, trigger point
As I mentioned, I've been hobbled by an aching back. The pain radiated from the lower thoracic area down to my hip. All the twisting and stretching didn't help. The rolling on the Indo board cylinder and lacrosse ball, helped just a little. Finally, I resorted to something that'd I'd forgotten about, and it worked. I placed the lacrosse ball between a wall and my back. By standing, I was able to accurately place the ball right on the trigger point. Like waving a magic wand, my back felt great.
Yesterday's sambo class was about leg locks. We worked on toe holds and knee bars. While rolling I was able to get an ankle lock on my partner just before he got me. I also tried to get a guillotine, but failed. Steve showed me how I could have turned my half-baked guillotine into a crucifix submission. That was pretty sweet!
Yesterday's sambo class was about leg locks. We worked on toe holds and knee bars. While rolling I was able to get an ankle lock on my partner just before he got me. I also tried to get a guillotine, but failed. Steve showed me how I could have turned my half-baked guillotine into a crucifix submission. That was pretty sweet!
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Coping with back pain
Finding the cause of back pain can be like Jerry Bruckheimer police procedural. My lower back has been sore for a couple weeks now, and it's pretty darn annoying. You might have noticed a paucity in training posts. Yeah, it's because of my back and I hurt it training.
The chain of events, as I believe them to be, started with a wrist injury, carpal tendon instability. Breaking your fall on concrete, even if it's covered with a wrestling mat, can do this to your wrist. With my wrist compromised, the disparity between strong and weak hand overhead pressing got magnified. At some point, probably when I was push-pressing 80 lbs on the right side and alternating with 65 lbs on the left, I tweaked some superficial spinal muscles. The result, low back pain.
I've been trying to roll out my back with the Indo board cylinder as well as lacrosse ball with a little success. The ache is somewhat diminished. I haven't found the trigger point. . . yet. I will find this sucker and squash it.
-100 kb swings
-weighted pull ups (80 lbs, 17x1)
-50 single kb swings+50 double kb swings
-30, 100 lbs squat cleans
The chain of events, as I believe them to be, started with a wrist injury, carpal tendon instability. Breaking your fall on concrete, even if it's covered with a wrestling mat, can do this to your wrist. With my wrist compromised, the disparity between strong and weak hand overhead pressing got magnified. At some point, probably when I was push-pressing 80 lbs on the right side and alternating with 65 lbs on the left, I tweaked some superficial spinal muscles. The result, low back pain.
I've been trying to roll out my back with the Indo board cylinder as well as lacrosse ball with a little success. The ache is somewhat diminished. I haven't found the trigger point. . . yet. I will find this sucker and squash it.
-100 kb swings
-weighted pull ups (80 lbs, 17x1)
-50 single kb swings+50 double kb swings
-30, 100 lbs squat cleans
Thursday, July 21, 2011
double stuff
I took two back-to-back classes of sambo last night. Both were very good classes. The first one was spent setting up a throw, tani otoshi (again sorry for the Judo terminology) in a self defense situation, and then transitioning to a choke on the ground. Steve, the instructor, pointed out the importance of using gravity and bodyweight to get most of the work done. The next class was an advanced level class which included some sparring at the end. We worked on sasae tsurikomi ashi. Sparring was limited to this throw, which makes it difficult to execute because there is no element of surprise. Once a throw was executed, one minute of mat work. The grappling is easily the most grueling. By the end of class, I was well done.
-100 kb swings
-weighted pull-ups (80 lbs, 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1)
-100 kb swings
-weighted pull-ups (80 lbs, 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1)
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Continuing Ed.

How do you continue learning new things when you've all but dropped off the map? Well, there's always YouTube. . .YouTube's not bad, but decidedly inferior to having a face to face with the instructor himself (or herself).
Last Friday I attended a class given by Sam Gilbert, number three in the ShinKyokushin knockdown karate world. That's like getting tennis pointers from Roger Federer.
This is Gilbert Sensei in action in 2006.
Gilbert Sensei spoke to the class about joint mobility. He's a Physiotherapist and PT by day. He also gave us tips on knockout worthy kicks-even demonstrating a super-fast roundhouse to my jaw.
-100 kb swings
-2x500m row
-dips (bw, 30 lbs)
In order to make a dr's appointment I lopped off 1000m from the rowing workout.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Check engine lights
The check engine light is flashing on your dashboard. What do you do? Last night at during Sambo class warm-up, my check engine light went on. We were sort of running in circles on the mat: take two steps, then take a knee, repeat. Usually, warm-ups in general, and this exercise in particular, are no problem. I was having a bit of difficulty with the running and kneeling. I took this as a sign-not enough rest. I promised myself to be extra careful.
We worked on grip changes, then grip changes into throws. The throws were variations of morote seionage (again, sorry I don't know the Russian equivalent): normal grip, two hands on lapel, one on lapel the other guiding the legs over. There's a version of the seionage throws where you shoot one leg deep into your opponent's stance. A karateka might recognize zenkutsu dachi in there. The last throw in the series was tani otoshi, which kinda looks like kiba dachi, gedan barai. You had to be there.
Luckily, we didn't do any sparring or mat work. I was pretty tired.
We worked on grip changes, then grip changes into throws. The throws were variations of morote seionage (again, sorry I don't know the Russian equivalent): normal grip, two hands on lapel, one on lapel the other guiding the legs over. There's a version of the seionage throws where you shoot one leg deep into your opponent's stance. A karateka might recognize zenkutsu dachi in there. The last throw in the series was tani otoshi, which kinda looks like kiba dachi, gedan barai. You had to be there.
Luckily, we didn't do any sparring or mat work. I was pretty tired.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
sticking my neck out
Yesterday's no-gi throwing class was great-even the part where I got guillotined, twice. Hey, you can't really learn unless you make mistakes, so here's a toast to making mistakes. Clink!
The class was larger than I expected and I was on the light side of the spectrum of body-types, a welterweight among cruisers to heavy-weights. It's like riding down the highway in a VW Beetle and being surrounded by tractor trailers. We worked on three throws off the same side. The theory behind this is if you miss one throw, you've got plan B and plan C in place. Plan C is a drop seionage. It looks just like this. The first throw, plan A, looks like the knee-kick block in the video, just block and twist.
It was a great training/learning experience. Unfortunately, in order to get good at throwing, you have to do a lot of falling, and that aspect of throwing is wreaking havoc with my bum wrist. Argh!
-200 kb swings
-2x1 min kb suitcase hold
The class was larger than I expected and I was on the light side of the spectrum of body-types, a welterweight among cruisers to heavy-weights. It's like riding down the highway in a VW Beetle and being surrounded by tractor trailers. We worked on three throws off the same side. The theory behind this is if you miss one throw, you've got plan B and plan C in place. Plan C is a drop seionage. It looks just like this. The first throw, plan A, looks like the knee-kick block in the video, just block and twist.
It was a great training/learning experience. Unfortunately, in order to get good at throwing, you have to do a lot of falling, and that aspect of throwing is wreaking havoc with my bum wrist. Argh!
-200 kb swings
-2x1 min kb suitcase hold
Monday, July 11, 2011
After the burpee challenge
So I'm feeling very liberated after dropping the 100x100 burpee challenge, like I can do anything I want.
-100 kb swings
-4x500m rows w/ dips in between (10 bw, 10x20 lbs, 5x30 lbs)
1:46'6, 31 spm; 1:47'9, 32 spm; 1:49'9, 31 spm; 1:46'6, 37 spm
-100 kb swings
-db push press (R 77lbs, 4x5; L 65 lbs. 4x5)
-weighted pull-ups (77 lbs, 3x3)
-50 burpees
Sambo class in the evening. I believe no-jacket throwing is on schedule.
-100 kb swings
-4x500m rows w/ dips in between (10 bw, 10x20 lbs, 5x30 lbs)
1:46'6, 31 spm; 1:47'9, 32 spm; 1:49'9, 31 spm; 1:46'6, 37 spm
-100 kb swings
-db push press (R 77lbs, 4x5; L 65 lbs. 4x5)
-weighted pull-ups (77 lbs, 3x3)
-50 burpees
Sambo class in the evening. I believe no-jacket throwing is on schedule.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Back on the scene
So I returned from 2 weeks of vacation in Vienna. Great holiday destination, BTW, lot's of stuff to see all within a few tram, bus or train stops. The beauty of this particular destination was not marred by thoughts of exercise.
-29 pull-ups
-50 burpees (3'39")
-db push press (75lbs, 2x3x5)
-5x(10 burpees + 10 roll-outs)
-2x(10 burpees + 5 pull-ups)
-Sambo class
My lower back and hips have been tight since deplaning, so I didn't feel too committed to complete 100 burpees, plus I had Sambo class later on in the day. In Sambo we worked on a throw which looked like a cross between Judo's kouchi gari and a single leg take-down. Basically you block your opponent's foot with your own and then grab his leg and push him over. After that I did two, two minute rounds of grappling. I was going mostly for chokes but couldn't sink any. I did score a reversal though, which I pulled out in the last seconds. The weighted pull-ups and cleans really pay off when you are fighting on your back.
My pet project this summer is to get my kids conditioned. I offered them a choice of burpees or rowing and they chose rowing. I introduced them to the Concept II model C and Mr. Tabata. Both kids benefitted from having seen me row. Their form needed a little tweeking, but they were up and spinning in no time.
-29 pull-ups
-50 burpees (3'39")
-db push press (75lbs, 2x3x5)
-5x(10 burpees + 10 roll-outs)
-2x(10 burpees + 5 pull-ups)
-Sambo class
My lower back and hips have been tight since deplaning, so I didn't feel too committed to complete 100 burpees, plus I had Sambo class later on in the day. In Sambo we worked on a throw which looked like a cross between Judo's kouchi gari and a single leg take-down. Basically you block your opponent's foot with your own and then grab his leg and push him over. After that I did two, two minute rounds of grappling. I was going mostly for chokes but couldn't sink any. I did score a reversal though, which I pulled out in the last seconds. The weighted pull-ups and cleans really pay off when you are fighting on your back.
My pet project this summer is to get my kids conditioned. I offered them a choice of burpees or rowing and they chose rowing. I introduced them to the Concept II model C and Mr. Tabata. Both kids benefitted from having seen me row. Their form needed a little tweeking, but they were up and spinning in no time.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Vacation training
The wife and I are taking our kids to Vienna, Austria for a few days. We'll be feeding on sacher torte, strudel, and schnitzel and that's just the first day. Since we'll be staying with family and not a hotel with a gym, training will be a little compromised, but hopefully not abandoned. Who am I kidding? I have the worst record when it comes to training on holiday.
Before I go, I thought I'd log my last couple workouts before I forget.
-weighted pull-ups (80 lbs, 5x3 with a 5 sec hold)
-12 (x(10 burpees + 5 roll-outs)
-push press (R 80 lbs, 5x5; L 5x3 75lbs)
-120 burpees
Maybe it's because of the shoulder and wrist injury, or maybe it's just lateral dimorphism, but it was a bitch trying to lift as much with my left as with my right hand. I was push pressing 80 lbs with the sensation that I could have done more. With my left hand, not so much. Any minute, I felt that I might drop the weight on my foot, or worse, head.
Not training relate, but a social note. Had a picnic in the park, me and my family with sandman and his lovely family, yesterday. We spread a blanket on Strawberry Fields and dined on Gray's Papaya recession specials then strolled over to the bandshell to listen to a little classical music. Later, when the wives tucked the kids into bed, the sandman and I hoisted a couple pints of Guinness. It was a perfect summer evening in the big bad city.
10, 535/[[238]
Before I go, I thought I'd log my last couple workouts before I forget.
-weighted pull-ups (80 lbs, 5x3 with a 5 sec hold)
-12 (x(10 burpees + 5 roll-outs)
-push press (R 80 lbs, 5x5; L 5x3 75lbs)
-120 burpees
Maybe it's because of the shoulder and wrist injury, or maybe it's just lateral dimorphism, but it was a bitch trying to lift as much with my left as with my right hand. I was push pressing 80 lbs with the sensation that I could have done more. With my left hand, not so much. Any minute, I felt that I might drop the weight on my foot, or worse, head.
Not training relate, but a social note. Had a picnic in the park, me and my family with sandman and his lovely family, yesterday. We spread a blanket on Strawberry Fields and dined on Gray's Papaya recession specials then strolled over to the bandshell to listen to a little classical music. Later, when the wives tucked the kids into bed, the sandman and I hoisted a couple pints of Guinness. It was a perfect summer evening in the big bad city.
10, 535/[[238]
Thursday, June 16, 2011
rule number 1
There are certain rules to live by that will get you past all that life may throw at you. Take this one.
Whether you are living in a world infested with flesh eating undead or living on a 5th floor walk-up, a little bit of cardio will save your life. Lately, my cardio comprises burpees and related nastiness.
-single arm db push press (2x5x5, L 70lbs, R 75lbs)
-6x20 burpees
-10 bw pull-ups
My wife likes a tidy house. She is really keen on rule number 12.
Whether you are living in a world infested with flesh eating undead or living on a 5th floor walk-up, a little bit of cardio will save your life. Lately, my cardio comprises burpees and related nastiness.
-single arm db push press (2x5x5, L 70lbs, R 75lbs)
-6x20 burpees
-10 bw pull-ups
My wife likes a tidy house. She is really keen on rule number 12.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Rilly Big Shew
This weekend New York hosts the America's Cup, an annual international knockdown karate tournament. Some of my favorite fighters will be there including Alejandro Navarro, Lechi Kurbanov, Eduardo Tanaka, not to mention Ewerton Texiera. This promises to be an exciting event.
-db push press, 5x5 (L, 65 lbs, R 70 lbs)
-110 burpees
I'm finding a little more stability pressing and holding the db with the left hand, but the wrist still will not accommodate cleaning the db into position.
-weighted chin-ups (80 lbs, 5x3)
-12x(10 burpees + 5 kneeling roll-outs)
I loaded up the dip belt again for some chinning. The first two reps of every set were virtually indistinguishable from chinning with 54 lbs on the belt. The last ones. . .
-db push press, 5x5 (L, 65 lbs, R 70 lbs)
-110 burpees
I'm finding a little more stability pressing and holding the db with the left hand, but the wrist still will not accommodate cleaning the db into position.
-weighted chin-ups (80 lbs, 5x3)
-12x(10 burpees + 5 kneeling roll-outs)
I loaded up the dip belt again for some chinning. The first two reps of every set were virtually indistinguishable from chinning with 54 lbs on the belt. The last ones. . .
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Tight hip flexors
This burpee challenge is winding up my hip flexors and lower back like banjo strings. Move closer and I'll play you a tune. It goes like this,"ow, ow, ow." Lucky for me I've got balls (lacrosse, golf, rubber band).
-weighted pull-ups (23 kgs, 12, 8, 8)
-13x (10 burpees + 5 kneeling roll-outs)
I eked out one more weighted pull-up than the last time. Woopty doo.
-weighted pull-ups (23 kgs, 12, 8, 8)
-13x (10 burpees + 5 kneeling roll-outs)
I eked out one more weighted pull-up than the last time. Woopty doo.
Friday, June 10, 2011
The ol' homestead
My wife just happened upon a real estate listing featuring our former home in Tokyo. Interestingly enough, the video was taken while we still lived there, oh about 4 years ago. That's out Honda Fit parked out front and my mountain bike under wraps on the side. Natsukashii.
Yesterday was a rest day. I cranked out 22 pull-ups and I was done. I did work on some stretching though.
-10x(10 burpees+ 5 pull-ups)
Throwing class at Sambo. We worked on a hip throw with an over the back grip that ended up looking a lot like osoto makikomi and another which was pretty much uchi mata. From the throws we transitioned into straight and bent arm locks. With the crash pad, you can really slam your partner into the ground without worry. Good stuff.
-3x20 shrugs & heel raises
-2x3x5 db push press (65lbs L, 70 lbs R)
-14x10 burpees
OK, so I got off my fanny and worked out a little bit today. I was planning on doing some db power cleans, but my wrist won't allow it. I went with the shrugs/heel raises followed by push presses. The shrugs offered a little mini grip endurance challenge.
Yesterday was a rest day. I cranked out 22 pull-ups and I was done. I did work on some stretching though.
-10x(10 burpees+ 5 pull-ups)
Throwing class at Sambo. We worked on a hip throw with an over the back grip that ended up looking a lot like osoto makikomi and another which was pretty much uchi mata. From the throws we transitioned into straight and bent arm locks. With the crash pad, you can really slam your partner into the ground without worry. Good stuff.
-3x20 shrugs & heel raises
-2x3x5 db push press (65lbs L, 70 lbs R)
-14x10 burpees
OK, so I got off my fanny and worked out a little bit today. I was planning on doing some db power cleans, but my wrist won't allow it. I went with the shrugs/heel raises followed by push presses. The shrugs offered a little mini grip endurance challenge.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
-11x(10 burpees +3 weighted dips, 20 lbs)
I'd like to be dipping as much weight as I can chin, but ever since my shoulder troubles, it looks, for the moment, unlikely. I hope the shoulder improves down the road.
-10x(10 burpees+5 kneeling roll-outs)
Last night I dreamt I'd started my kids on a regimen of planks. Roll-outs are more hard-core so I incorporated them in today's workout.
-11x(10 burpees +3 weighted dips, 20 lbs)
I'd like to be dipping as much weight as I can chin, but ever since my shoulder troubles, it looks, for the moment, unlikely. I hope the shoulder improves down the road.
-10x(10 burpees+5 kneeling roll-outs)
Last night I dreamt I'd started my kids on a regimen of planks. Roll-outs are more hard-core so I incorporated them in today's workout.
Monday, June 6, 2011
Last week was a bust as far as the 100x100 burpee challenge. I was lacking energy and especially motivation. While transferring files from my pc to Mac, I found a video clip of when I was training Kyokushin Karate in Japan. This clip shows the recital of the dojo kun, call them the 10 commandments of karate, though there aren't 10 commandments in the dojo kun. The first, roughly translated goes,"We will train our hearts and bodies for a firm unshaken spirit." There are others about humility, refraining from violence and otherwise being an upstanding guy, but I like the first one because it addresses confronting adversity in training and in life.
-24 pull-ups (ugh)
-100 burpees
-50 kneeling ab-roll-outs
I banged-up my left shoulder at Sambo; landed on it. It now clicks and makes popping sounds. Sambo class was a good one though. We worked on throwing from over the back grips (Georgian) and counters.
-weighted pull-ups (23 kg, 11,8,8)
-one-handed bent arm hang (L 3x5sec, R 3x10sec)
-single arm db clean & press (70 lbs, 2x3x5)
-120 burpees
I wanted to see if I could do 20 pull-ups with 23kg on the dip belt. I fell short. Left wrist is still troubling me. Couldn't perform on the hangs and the presses on the left side were a touch alarming at the top. For the burpees, I found a use for the Perfect Pushup handles I received as a gift. The handles are easy on my injured wrist and make the push-ups pain free. I was formerly of the opinion that the Perfect Pushup was just a gimmick-not anymore.
I bumped up the weight on the db to 70lbs (actually 71).
-3 mile jog
-4x100m sprints
-20 pull-ups
-150 burpees
My oldest daughter informed us that she was slated to run a 100 m leg of a relay race for school field day. It was a tad short notice to prepare her, so we took a jog over to the track to at least get her familiar with the distance. It was quite fun racing with my girl. Her speed surprised me. If she put in some regular practice, I'm sure she'd be able to dust her old man. . . but not just yet. I attempted muscle-ups at some nearby high-bars, but failed. It's the technique, I'm sure. It still eludes me.
-24 pull-ups (ugh)
-100 burpees
-50 kneeling ab-roll-outs
I banged-up my left shoulder at Sambo; landed on it. It now clicks and makes popping sounds. Sambo class was a good one though. We worked on throwing from over the back grips (Georgian) and counters.
-weighted pull-ups (23 kg, 11,8,8)
-one-handed bent arm hang (L 3x5sec, R 3x10sec)
-single arm db clean & press (70 lbs, 2x3x5)
-120 burpees
I wanted to see if I could do 20 pull-ups with 23kg on the dip belt. I fell short. Left wrist is still troubling me. Couldn't perform on the hangs and the presses on the left side were a touch alarming at the top. For the burpees, I found a use for the Perfect Pushup handles I received as a gift. The handles are easy on my injured wrist and make the push-ups pain free. I was formerly of the opinion that the Perfect Pushup was just a gimmick-not anymore.
I bumped up the weight on the db to 70lbs (actually 71).
-3 mile jog
-4x100m sprints
-20 pull-ups
-150 burpees
My oldest daughter informed us that she was slated to run a 100 m leg of a relay race for school field day. It was a tad short notice to prepare her, so we took a jog over to the track to at least get her familiar with the distance. It was quite fun racing with my girl. Her speed surprised me. If she put in some regular practice, I'm sure she'd be able to dust her old man. . . but not just yet. I attempted muscle-ups at some nearby high-bars, but failed. It's the technique, I'm sure. It still eludes me.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
standin' around
I am tired. I couldn't quite put my finger on the cause of my fatigue. I thought it was the burpees, but now I believe it is because I raised the height of my desktop. That's right, I now stand all day. Ugh.
Monday, May 30, 2011
So Saturday evening the whole family went out to see Amercan Ballet Theatre's production of Giselle. We are not balletomanes, even though we saw the opening gala the week before, but we did enjoy the performance, mostly. My youngest would have preferred to play games on her iTouch, oh well, perhaps when she's older.
What I found fascinating was the athleticism of the dancers, especially when they jump, or should I say sautè. As you may know, I've been trying to keep to a 100x100 burpee challenge. There's nothing graceful about my jumping. In the high reps, they should not even be called jumps-more like hops. These dancers were catching major air, huge leaps, like springbok evading a lion. They did it all gracefully and without the chest heaving and wheezing that usually accompanies my burpees.
-24 bw pull-ups
-10x10 burpees
I tested the pull-ups and came up short. I guess I was a little tired from the day prior.
-10x(10 burpees + 2x5x5 single arm c&p)
With this, I used a single 65 lbs db and alternated arms after every set of burpees. My left wrist is still wobbly, making the press a little sketchy at the top.
What I found fascinating was the athleticism of the dancers, especially when they jump, or should I say sautè. As you may know, I've been trying to keep to a 100x100 burpee challenge. There's nothing graceful about my jumping. In the high reps, they should not even be called jumps-more like hops. These dancers were catching major air, huge leaps, like springbok evading a lion. They did it all gracefully and without the chest heaving and wheezing that usually accompanies my burpees.
-24 bw pull-ups
-10x10 burpees
I tested the pull-ups and came up short. I guess I was a little tired from the day prior.
-10x(10 burpees + 2x5x5 single arm c&p)
With this, I used a single 65 lbs db and alternated arms after every set of burpees. My left wrist is still wobbly, making the press a little sketchy at the top.
Friday, May 27, 2011
rollin, rollin, rollin
I wasn't devastated by yesterday's workout. That's a good thing. Just to avoid meltdown, I dialed the intensity back a bit today. I'm still dripping with sweat though.
-11x (10 burpees +10 kneeling ab wheel roll-outs)
Kneeling roll-outs aren't nearly as difficult as standing progressions. All the same, 110 roll-outs is a lot. I hope I don't regret this one.
8,715, [238]
-11x (10 burpees +10 kneeling ab wheel roll-outs)
Kneeling roll-outs aren't nearly as difficult as standing progressions. All the same, 110 roll-outs is a lot. I hope I don't regret this one.
8,715, [238]
Thursday, May 26, 2011
A man's gotta know his limitations
Last Monday's 200 burpee extravaganza was the gift that kept on giving. It wasn't until today, Thursday, that I could even attempt another burpee. Despite the fatigue, I was able to make last night's Sambo class, where we worked on a mash-up of the Judo throws harai goshi and osoto makikomi. Basically you wrap the arm as in osoto makikomi and use your hip as in harai goshi. Unfortunately, I don't know the name of this technique in Russian.
We also worked on tumbling: basic forward rolls; back rolls; back roll to a hand-stand and kip. I felt pretty good throughout the class- no residual signs of fatigue. This gave me the confidence to contemplate burpees again.
-31 bw pull-ups (pr?)
-6x2x10 secs, one-handed, bent arm hangs
-10x(10 burpees + 3 db C&P)*
It was the pull-ups that let me know that my energy levels had come back to almost normal today. I kipped on the last rep, so I'm not sure I can count it as a pr, but call it a sloppy 31. On the bent arm hangs, I felt a little ambitious, so I spiced the isometric with a little concentric. I didn't time the burpees, but it felt no longer than previous attempts.
As Clint Eastwood's Harry Callahan said in Magnum Force , "a man's gotta know his limitations." 200 burpees? just shoot me.
* Some folks have criticized this routine as more of a conditioning than strength routine, like skipping rope. Meh, make the db's progressively heavier and you'll be conditioned and strong.
We also worked on tumbling: basic forward rolls; back rolls; back roll to a hand-stand and kip. I felt pretty good throughout the class- no residual signs of fatigue. This gave me the confidence to contemplate burpees again.
-31 bw pull-ups (pr?)
-6x2x10 secs, one-handed, bent arm hangs
-10x(10 burpees + 3 db C&P)*
It was the pull-ups that let me know that my energy levels had come back to almost normal today. I kipped on the last rep, so I'm not sure I can count it as a pr, but call it a sloppy 31. On the bent arm hangs, I felt a little ambitious, so I spiced the isometric with a little concentric. I didn't time the burpees, but it felt no longer than previous attempts.
As Clint Eastwood's Harry Callahan said in Magnum Force , "a man's gotta know his limitations." 200 burpees? just shoot me.
* Some folks have criticized this routine as more of a conditioning than strength routine, like skipping rope. Meh, make the db's progressively heavier and you'll be conditioned and strong.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Let's see, yesterday was the 200 burpee-fest and Sambo. Time to pay the piper. My lower back is tight, left quad is sore, scalenes are sore, same with the traps, left triceps, infraspinatus and rhomboids. I could continue with the 100 burpee day plan, if I want to see my pee turn the color of tea. Better to avoid rhabdo, rehydrate and rest. Also, I'm breaking out the Stick, to loosen up the quads and the trusty lacrosse balls and Indo board cylinder which I use for rolling out the back muscles. I'm using my fingertips to tack and stretch the scalenes.
I'm not suffering from Ibuprofen strength pain. I don't medicate for muscle pain anyway. It's just that I don't think training through this soreness is productive. I'm already losing weight due to the burpee challenge. I don't want to have any injuries from neglecting to rest.
I'm not suffering from Ibuprofen strength pain. I don't medicate for muscle pain anyway. It's just that I don't think training through this soreness is productive. I'm already losing weight due to the burpee challenge. I don't want to have any injuries from neglecting to rest.
active recovery,
crosse balls,
foam roller,
Indo board,
lacrosse balls
Monday, May 23, 2011
The 200
The 200 burpee workout on judgment day had me a little tired, must have been those 72 virgins. Oh wait a minute. . . So I took a rest day, and today find myself behind the count yet again. How am I going to keep up the pace?
-15 bw chin-ups
-10x (10burpees+5 kneeling ab wheel roll-outs)
-10x (10 burpees +5 kneeling ab-wheel flies)
I started with a narrow grip chin-up test, but only managed 15. I'm thinking my arms are still too tired to perform. I spaced the burpee complexes out over a long period of time. No soreness, despite the volume. We'll see tomorrow.
-15 bw chin-ups
-10x (10burpees+5 kneeling ab wheel roll-outs)
-10x (10 burpees +5 kneeling ab-wheel flies)
I started with a narrow grip chin-up test, but only managed 15. I'm thinking my arms are still too tired to perform. I spaced the burpee complexes out over a long period of time. No soreness, despite the volume. We'll see tomorrow.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
double stuff
So I took a rest day yesterday, sort-of. I rolled my back and triceps over the lacrosse balls. I also worked on some pull-ups.
This left me refreshed for today's burpee extravaganza.
-30 pull-ups (pr)
-6x2x10 sec one-handed, bent-arm hangs
Yeah so the lacrosse ball massage left me feeling a little bit guilty. I tried to beat 28 neutral grip, dead hang pull-ups and got an ugly 30. The grip strength seems up to holding my body weight for one-arm/one handed chin-ups. So far, the elbows are pain free.
-10x(10 burpees+3 db c&p)
-10x(10 burpees+5 kneeling ab wheel roll-outs)
It doesn't look like much; just two lines of text. But man! The first 100 burpee complex came in at 16'39. The second 100 took considerably longer.
This left me refreshed for today's burpee extravaganza.
-30 pull-ups (pr)
-6x2x10 sec one-handed, bent-arm hangs
Yeah so the lacrosse ball massage left me feeling a little bit guilty. I tried to beat 28 neutral grip, dead hang pull-ups and got an ugly 30. The grip strength seems up to holding my body weight for one-arm/one handed chin-ups. So far, the elbows are pain free.
-10x(10 burpees+3 db c&p)
-10x(10 burpees+5 kneeling ab wheel roll-outs)
It doesn't look like much; just two lines of text. But man! The first 100 burpee complex came in at 16'39. The second 100 took considerably longer.
Friday, May 20, 2011
Attention rich people
May 21st is The Rapture. I'm now accepting worldly goods. Don't get stuck outside the pearly gates because you have too much stuff. If it's fungible, I'll take it.
Training wise, I'm undecided. It's a rainy Friday. Workout or roll-out my back on the lacrosse ball. Decisions, decisions.
Training wise, I'm undecided. It's a rainy Friday. Workout or roll-out my back on the lacrosse ball. Decisions, decisions.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
As promised
So an easy day, as promised.
-28 neutral grip chin-ups
-6x2x10 sec one-handed, bent arm hang
-15x10 burpees
Without really trying, I busted out of a psychological barrier on the pull-ups since cracking 20. Today's 28 is a pr, but then Monday's 26 was also a pr.
I didn't time the burpees and had an easy time of it. The entire workout was still less than half an hour. Not bad for recovery, I guess.
I'm checking out a new fight gym tonight. The limited schedules of the two judo dojo nearby turned me off.
-28 neutral grip chin-ups
-6x2x10 sec one-handed, bent arm hang
-15x10 burpees
Without really trying, I busted out of a psychological barrier on the pull-ups since cracking 20. Today's 28 is a pr, but then Monday's 26 was also a pr.
I didn't time the burpees and had an easy time of it. The entire workout was still less than half an hour. Not bad for recovery, I guess.
I'm checking out a new fight gym tonight. The limited schedules of the two judo dojo nearby turned me off.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
slow is fast
I was feeling a little wrecked from yesterday's workout, so the plan today was not to time the workout; remove the stress factor and just go easy. Nah.
-10 x (10 burpees+ 5 db cleans) 13'45
-50 burpees
-sledgehammer swipes and levers
Yeah, I said I wouldn't time it, but the stop watch was right there so I figured I'd go easy and just check the time at the end. I guess I wasn't so wrecked, because I improved on the last burpee/clean complex.
Easy day tomorrow, I promise.
-10 x (10 burpees+ 5 db cleans) 13'45
-50 burpees
-sledgehammer swipes and levers
Yeah, I said I wouldn't time it, but the stop watch was right there so I figured I'd go easy and just check the time at the end. I guess I wasn't so wrecked, because I improved on the last burpee/clean complex.
Easy day tomorrow, I promise.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Rather than work on increasing one-handed chin-up reps, I thought I'd focus on hangs. First I warmed-up with pull-ups, then the actual bent-arm hangs. I'm looking for pain in the wrist or elbow-if there is any, I'll back off from the OACU progressions and go back to weighted chin-ups.
-pull-ups (26)
-6x2x10sec, one-handed, bent-arm hang
-10 x (10 burpees + 5 single arm, db pp)
-50 burpees
-pull-ups (26)
-6x2x10sec, one-handed, bent-arm hang
-10 x (10 burpees + 5 single arm, db pp)
-50 burpees
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Groundhog Day
Remember the movie where Bill Murray's character keeps reliving the same day? This 100 day, 100 burpees a day challenge is kinda feeling like that. The challenge is keeping each day fresh and interesting without burning out.
-100 burpees & 50 pull-ups
-sledgehammer levers and swipes
Didn't time this one, but just looking at the wall clock it took around 12 minutes.
-10x10 burpees
Didn't time this one either.
-25 neutral grip pull-ups
A little burnt out, but I'm happy with 25 consecutive dead hang pull-ups.
-12x (10 burpees +(2x1 one handed chin-ups))
-sledgehammer levers and swipes
This was a test of hand strength. My main concern was holding on to the bar with one hand. The free arm offered assistance by pulling on the opposing wrist. This workout left my biceps more sore than usual.
-10x(10 burpees+5 db HPC) 14'46
-20 burpees
Here, I was concentrating on good form. I got a little sloppy as fatigue set in.
-100 burpees & 50 pull-ups
-sledgehammer levers and swipes
Didn't time this one, but just looking at the wall clock it took around 12 minutes.
-10x10 burpees
Didn't time this one either.
-25 neutral grip pull-ups
A little burnt out, but I'm happy with 25 consecutive dead hang pull-ups.
-12x (10 burpees +(2x1 one handed chin-ups))
-sledgehammer levers and swipes
This was a test of hand strength. My main concern was holding on to the bar with one hand. The free arm offered assistance by pulling on the opposing wrist. This workout left my biceps more sore than usual.
-10x(10 burpees+5 db HPC) 14'46
-20 burpees
Here, I was concentrating on good form. I got a little sloppy as fatigue set in.
Monday, May 9, 2011
It's not so bad. . .
So I went off track a little bit on the 100 burpees a day plan. Friday was an easy 10 x10 without the clock. Saturday, I slept in, which kinda screwed things up-only put in 50 burpees. Sunday, I knocked out 125 before I put the kettle on. Today looked like this:
-100 burpees and 30 db C&P (16'12) + 25 burpees
I shaved off 14 seconds on this routine, took a breather and knocked off another 25 burpees in order to bet back on track. Whew. It was nice to have a half day on Saturday. Not timing the burpees eliminates a huge psychological burden. It helped me recover and allowed me to put in a good time today.
-100 burpees and 30 db C&P (16'12) + 25 burpees
I shaved off 14 seconds on this routine, took a breather and knocked off another 25 burpees in order to bet back on track. Whew. It was nice to have a half day on Saturday. Not timing the burpees eliminates a huge psychological burden. It helped me recover and allowed me to put in a good time today.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
burpee fatigue sets in
Man, this is getting old fast. I haven't gotten to the point where I dread burpees yet, but my time is deteriorating.
-100 burpees and 50 chin-ups (11'11)
That's almost 2 minutes longer than the last time I. Argh! Tomorrow is Judo. I wonder if I should do burpees before or after class. I think a leisurely 10x10 before is the way to go.
-100 burpees and 50 chin-ups (11'11)
That's almost 2 minutes longer than the last time I. Argh! Tomorrow is Judo. I wonder if I should do burpees before or after class. I think a leisurely 10x10 before is the way to go.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
-100 burpees (8'26)
-chin-ups (80 lbs, 3x3+4 sec holds; 23 bw)
-dips (bw 20, 20 lbs 2x10)
I was hoping for a sub 8 min time, but my legs were feeling sluggish from the get go.
-10 burpees and 3 db clean & push-press
I did this in 16'46, almost the same time as a similar workout (50 burpees, 25 db c&pp, 50 burpees). The difference is the set rep scheme and the addition of 5 reps of db c&pp.
As a point of reference I took my resting hearts rate (53 bpm) and bp (108/59). I wonder if there will be any change as a result of the 100 burpees a day plan I embarked on.
-100 burpees (8'26)
-chin-ups (80 lbs, 3x3+4 sec holds; 23 bw)
-dips (bw 20, 20 lbs 2x10)
I was hoping for a sub 8 min time, but my legs were feeling sluggish from the get go.
-10 burpees and 3 db clean & push-press
I did this in 16'46, almost the same time as a similar workout (50 burpees, 25 db c&pp, 50 burpees). The difference is the set rep scheme and the addition of 5 reps of db c&pp.
As a point of reference I took my resting hearts rate (53 bpm) and bp (108/59). I wonder if there will be any change as a result of the 100 burpees a day plan I embarked on.
Monday, May 2, 2011
I'm starting to feel almost like my old self, at least my old self from a month or two ago. My wrist is still weak-doing a proper push-up strains the tricep of the other arm, but I was able to talk myself through 100 burpees and 50 pull-ups.
-100 burpees and 50 pull-ups (9'32"13)
-sledgehammer swipes and swings
Not a record time on the burpee/pull-up routine, but I finished it. I feared that I had lost the mental fortitude to see it through, maybe I just misplaced it.
-100 burpees and 50 pull-ups (9'32"13)
-sledgehammer swipes and swings
Not a record time on the burpee/pull-up routine, but I finished it. I feared that I had lost the mental fortitude to see it through, maybe I just misplaced it.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Iron Chef and the iron game
You might be familiar with the television program birthed in Japan where prominent and not so prominent chefs vie for the title of Iron Chef by preparing dishes centered around a common ingredient. The idea is to challenge the chefs' creativity, to stand out in a sea of uniformity. This is the similar to the challenge I am facing with 100 burpees for 100 days. How do I make progress, avoid injury and remain motivated, when everyday for 100 days I am faced with 100 burpees?
-50 burpees
-hang power clean & push press ( 100 lbs, 5x5)
-50 burpees
This workout took a little over 15 minutes. Doing blocks of 50 burpees is clearly not the strategy that will render the fastest times. Oh well. I'll have 99 days to figure it out.
-50 burpees
-hang power clean & push press ( 100 lbs, 5x5)
-50 burpees
This workout took a little over 15 minutes. Doing blocks of 50 burpees is clearly not the strategy that will render the fastest times. Oh well. I'll have 99 days to figure it out.
Friday, April 29, 2011
Judo class was a bust
Just me and another guy at Judo class last night. I have no idea why folks have been ducking class. Since it was just the two of us, we had our pick and choose of technique to work on. I worked on uchi mata, tai otoshi, and sode tsuri komi goshi. After that, some back squats and push presses.
-dips (20 lbs,3x10), weighted holds (20 lbs, 3x30 secs)
-chin-ups (80 lbs, 5x3, 5x10 sec holds)
-100 turns of Bulgarian bag (40 lbs)
-sledgehammer swings and levers
On the horizon, I agreed to a 100 burpees for 100 days challenge starting the first of May. This might suck.
-dips (20 lbs,3x10), weighted holds (20 lbs, 3x30 secs)
-chin-ups (80 lbs, 5x3, 5x10 sec holds)
-100 turns of Bulgarian bag (40 lbs)
-sledgehammer swings and levers
On the horizon, I agreed to a 100 burpees for 100 days challenge starting the first of May. This might suck.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Ever since returning from a week of fun in the sun, I've been feeling out of sorts. It is certain that anaerobic capacity has fallen off. Strength too, probably. I feel burnt out without having done anything. Blech.
-50 burpees and 25 pull-ups (5'03)
-30 bw pull-ups
I didn't have 100 burpees in me. . . again! Finished with 30 body weight pull-ups in addition to the 25 I did with the burpees.
-db power hang cleans & push press (40, 8'30, 2x50 lbs)
-dips (10, 20)
-weighted dip iso-holds (2x30 secs, 20lbs)
Because of the wrist sprain I dropped the weight on the db's to 50 lbs each. I had hoped that with the weight reduction I might be able to crank out something amazing like 100 reps. Pft. At least my wrist held together.
-50 burpees and 25 pull-ups (5'03)
-30 bw pull-ups
I didn't have 100 burpees in me. . . again! Finished with 30 body weight pull-ups in addition to the 25 I did with the burpees.
-db power hang cleans & push press (40, 8'30, 2x50 lbs)
-dips (10, 20)
-weighted dip iso-holds (2x30 secs, 20lbs)
Because of the wrist sprain I dropped the weight on the db's to 50 lbs each. I had hoped that with the weight reduction I might be able to crank out something amazing like 100 reps. Pft. At least my wrist held together.
Friday, April 22, 2011
a pain in the wrist is a pain in the a**
-ab roll-outs (3x10)
-Tabata row
-weighted dips (20 lbs, 10, 4, 4, 3x20 sec holds)
I'm thinking consecutive days of Tabata rowing are not good for me. I need to rest at least a day in between. I was a little worried about shoulders and so have shunned doing weighted dips. So what do I do? weighted dips. Sigh.
-Judo class
-back squats (2x10, 150 lbs)
-barbell push press (95 lbs, 5x3)
I mention Judo class because it preceded the workout and was a workout in itself. Newaza, the ground wrestling component of Judo requires a lot of strength endurance. It's a mix of explosive movements as well as drawn-out isometric exertion. Nagewaza refers to the throwing technique, and may requires you to hoist your opponent on your back prior to slamming him into the ground. This activity will utilize your core, including your obliques, erector spinae, and other muscles which are today reminding me I am not the young man I used to be. When it came to do the 20 rep squat, I was too tired to do it in one set. Kinda defeats the purpose of the breathing squat, but. . .
Also, I don't remember how I sprained my wrist, but I sprained my wrist. Soft tissue injuries, it seems, never heal. It's not like a broken bone which when healed is supposed to have a denser deposit of calcium. A sprain is for life.
-ab roll-outs (3x10)
-Tabata row
-weighted dips (20 lbs, 10, 4, 4, 3x20 sec holds)
I'm thinking consecutive days of Tabata rowing are not good for me. I need to rest at least a day in between. I was a little worried about shoulders and so have shunned doing weighted dips. So what do I do? weighted dips. Sigh.
-Judo class
-back squats (2x10, 150 lbs)
-barbell push press (95 lbs, 5x3)
I mention Judo class because it preceded the workout and was a workout in itself. Newaza, the ground wrestling component of Judo requires a lot of strength endurance. It's a mix of explosive movements as well as drawn-out isometric exertion. Nagewaza refers to the throwing technique, and may requires you to hoist your opponent on your back prior to slamming him into the ground. This activity will utilize your core, including your obliques, erector spinae, and other muscles which are today reminding me I am not the young man I used to be. When it came to do the 20 rep squat, I was too tired to do it in one set. Kinda defeats the purpose of the breathing squat, but. . .
Also, I don't remember how I sprained my wrist, but I sprained my wrist. Soft tissue injuries, it seems, never heal. It's not like a broken bone which when healed is supposed to have a denser deposit of calcium. A sprain is for life.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
ramming speed
-db hang power cleans (2x65lbs, 30, 6'45)
-weighted chin-ups (80 lbs, 3x3, 3x5 sec bent arm hangs)
-weighted bent arm hangs (80 lbs, 3x10 secs)
-Tabata row
-sledgehammer swipes and swings
So I added a 10 lbs plate to the dip belt for a grand total of 80 lbs. It was a struggle to do three proper reps per set of chin-ups with this weight. Working sets of 100 lbs, here I come! The Tabata row was a nice finisher. I felt better than last time, and pulled strongly for each work period.
-db hang power cleans (2x65lbs, 30, 6'45)
-weighted chin-ups (80 lbs, 3x3, 3x5 sec bent arm hangs)
-weighted bent arm hangs (80 lbs, 3x10 secs)
-Tabata row
-sledgehammer swipes and swings
So I added a 10 lbs plate to the dip belt for a grand total of 80 lbs. It was a struggle to do three proper reps per set of chin-ups with this weight. Working sets of 100 lbs, here I come! The Tabata row was a nice finisher. I felt better than last time, and pulled strongly for each work period.
Monday, April 18, 2011
db squatting
-high rep db squats (2x65 lbs, 70, 5'25)
-bw dips (3x10, 3x30 sec holds)
-sledgehammer levers and swipes
I was planning on doing hang power cleans today, but my lower back was thinking something else. I went with db squats with the idea of shooting for 100 reps in as quick a time as possible. Unfortunately, my grip betrayed me and I had to call it quits at 70 otherwise I'd have some explaining to do about a couple divots in the parquet flooring.
-high rep db squats (2x65 lbs, 70, 5'25)
-bw dips (3x10, 3x30 sec holds)
-sledgehammer levers and swipes
I was planning on doing hang power cleans today, but my lower back was thinking something else. I went with db squats with the idea of shooting for 100 reps in as quick a time as possible. Unfortunately, my grip betrayed me and I had to call it quits at 70 otherwise I'd have some explaining to do about a couple divots in the parquet flooring.
Friday, April 15, 2011
Git some!
Last night after Judo class, I wandered into the weight room of the Y. It had been years since I've been in a weight room-gave up gym memberships when the kids were born-so I was curious to see what I'd been missing. Barbells, squat racks, Olympic plates, yee-ha! So I step into the squat rack and prepare to do some squatting, when I hear the loud sounds of a guy psyching himself up, "C'mon, git some! 10 more! Woo-hoo!" It sounded like somebody lifting very heavy weight. My brain could not process what my ears were hearing and my eyes were seeing. The dude was doing push-ups, but you'd think he had 900 lbs on a bar. As Ronnie Coleman would say, "Ain't nuthin but a peanut."
-back squat (145lbs, 20)*
-bw dips (3x10, 3x30 secs holds)
Met a new people at Judo
Mark-white belt
Suzie-black belt
*gotta start somewhere
-back squat (145lbs, 20)*
-bw dips (3x10, 3x30 secs holds)
Met a new people at Judo
Mark-white belt
Suzie-black belt
*gotta start somewhere
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
do I know you?
A quarter of the year is past and I haven't touched the rower. That's not right!
-bw dips (3x10, 3x30 sec holds)
-bw pull-ups (20, 10)
-Tabata row
-sledgehammer mills & levers
The Tabata row on my Concept ii rowing ergometer was a great finisher to cap off a not so taxing training day. Funny how the first couple 20 secs. work periods seem easy and then it all starts to unravel. My heart rate rarely gets this high. I must remember to do more of these, I've been cheating myself.
-db power cleans (30, 2x65 lbs)
-weighted chin-ups (70 lbs, 5x5)
-sledge hammer mills & levers
-bw dips (3x10, 3x30 sec holds)
-bw pull-ups (20, 10)
-Tabata row
-sledgehammer mills & levers
The Tabata row on my Concept ii rowing ergometer was a great finisher to cap off a not so taxing training day. Funny how the first couple 20 secs. work periods seem easy and then it all starts to unravel. My heart rate rarely gets this high. I must remember to do more of these, I've been cheating myself.
-db power cleans (30, 2x65 lbs)
-weighted chin-ups (70 lbs, 5x5)
-sledge hammer mills & levers
Monday, April 11, 2011
If I had a hammer
When you live in an apartment building, you really must resist the urge to accumulate stuff. Space comes at a premium and there is so little of it. If you train at home like I do, you are faced with the dilemma of requiring gear and training space with no backyard or basement. I have a huge list of things I'd like to have, but have no space for. This weekend, however, I got a piece of kit that I never thought I would have until I moved out to the 'burbs, a 10 lbs sledge hammer!
"Why, oh why, oh why?" you might ask. Well, $6.93 for a brand new 10 lbs sledge hammer is a bargain (they usually retail for around $30). Besides, how much floor space does a sledge hammer occupy? A lot less than another set of dumbbells I'll tell you. I didn't find a cheap tractor tire to bang away on with the hammer. That'll have to wait until I get to the 'burbs. The point of my new acquisition is grip training. Levering a 10 lbs hammer is a serious workout. With this 10 lbs bad-boy, I'm going to have to choke up on the handle quite a bit.
-Judo class
This was the first day of any exercise since vacation. I found myself breathing heavier than usual during the three bouts of standing randori (3 mins each) and two bouts of groundwork (2 mins each). It's not that much work, because of the small class size, but it's challenging enough for me. Unlike karate, Judo newaza (the groundwork) requires quite a lot of isometric strength endurance. I'll be doing more weighted bent arm hangs and hammer holds in the future.
-20 bw pull-ups
-weighted chin-ups (3x5, 70 lbs)
-kneeling to standing ab roll-outs (3x10)
-bw dips (2x10, 2x30 sec iso holds)
-db snatch (40, 65 lbs, 12 min)
-hammer levering
-50 burpees and 25 pull-ups (5')
-bw dips (2x10, 2x30 sec holds)
I'm not feeling very spry. My stamina seems to have been hit hard by the 1 week lay-off. I think I must concentrate on doing a little something everyday, even when on vacation. Otherwise, as I'm discovering, I lose much hard won ground. Argh!
"Why, oh why, oh why?" you might ask. Well, $6.93 for a brand new 10 lbs sledge hammer is a bargain (they usually retail for around $30). Besides, how much floor space does a sledge hammer occupy? A lot less than another set of dumbbells I'll tell you. I didn't find a cheap tractor tire to bang away on with the hammer. That'll have to wait until I get to the 'burbs. The point of my new acquisition is grip training. Levering a 10 lbs hammer is a serious workout. With this 10 lbs bad-boy, I'm going to have to choke up on the handle quite a bit.
-Judo class
This was the first day of any exercise since vacation. I found myself breathing heavier than usual during the three bouts of standing randori (3 mins each) and two bouts of groundwork (2 mins each). It's not that much work, because of the small class size, but it's challenging enough for me. Unlike karate, Judo newaza (the groundwork) requires quite a lot of isometric strength endurance. I'll be doing more weighted bent arm hangs and hammer holds in the future.
-20 bw pull-ups
-weighted chin-ups (3x5, 70 lbs)
-kneeling to standing ab roll-outs (3x10)
-bw dips (2x10, 2x30 sec iso holds)
-db snatch (40, 65 lbs, 12 min)
-hammer levering
-50 burpees and 25 pull-ups (5')
-bw dips (2x10, 2x30 sec holds)
I'm not feeling very spry. My stamina seems to have been hit hard by the 1 week lay-off. I think I must concentrate on doing a little something everyday, even when on vacation. Otherwise, as I'm discovering, I lose much hard won ground. Argh!
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Sailing, sailing away
Maybe you remember that treacly Chris Cross tune from the 1980's, and maybe you youngsters don't. I thought of it as I unwind from a week of sailing in the Caribbean with my family. We are not long time mariners, but have gone on day sails in the past. I was finally able to get the family motivated to take a week-long basic sailing course. Now we know the difference between a jib and a jibe!
We lived aboard a 41' Beneteau sloop. The kids slept in the aft cabin while my wife and I occupied the one forward. You might think that with two cabins (bedrooms), space was plenty-not really. Living on a boat, at least one in our budget range, is a test of family dynamics. Then there's getting used to the marine toilet, otherwise known as the head. It's not quite the hotel experience-then again a simple room can't offer the excitement of riding the wind and waves. I marveled at how my children, ages 14 and 11, took to sailing. The kids are deeply satisfied at being able to pilot a vessel as large as a school bus, years before they'll get a permit to drive a car.

We had sailing lessons from 10 AM to 4 PM, almost all of that time on the water. It's strenuous activity being under the sun, keeping your balance and fighting against the pull of the wind on the sheets. At the end of the day, you are quite spent. One afternoon we combed the beach for shells. My eldest daughter, I'm pleased to learn, has a good eye with the camera.
If you're wondering when the workouts are going to appear in this post, I'm sorry to have to disappoint you. I did not do any training. The next installment, I promise, will be about trying to pick-up where I left off.

We had sailing lessons from 10 AM to 4 PM, almost all of that time on the water. It's strenuous activity being under the sun, keeping your balance and fighting against the pull of the wind on the sheets. At the end of the day, you are quite spent. One afternoon we combed the beach for shells. My eldest daughter, I'm pleased to learn, has a good eye with the camera.
If you're wondering when the workouts are going to appear in this post, I'm sorry to have to disappoint you. I did not do any training. The next installment, I promise, will be about trying to pick-up where I left off.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Hello, My Name Is
Confession time. I'm really bad with names. For some reason, it seems that I never listen to people when they first introduce themselves. Then somewhere in the middle of our conversation, when we've sort of built a little relationship, my brain kicks in and asks, "who the hell are you talking to?" At this point, I usually promise myself that I'll be more attentive next time.
Unlike forgetting the names of people you meet at a party, it pays to remember the names of people you'll be seeing on a regular basis. I think it's particularly important to establish a good rapport with people who may be slamming you into the mat, or rolling all over you. I don't want to be the guy who says, "High five, Dude, awesome ippon seionage!" Not that I'd ever say, "High five, Carlton, awesome ippon seionage," if there were a Carlton. Also, I want them to know my name so that they don't think of me as "The new douche who tries too hard." Hello, my name is Meguro.
New people I've met at Judo class:
Joe-a yellow belt
Eli-Green belt
Helen-a yellow belt
Usam-brown belt
Anthony-brown belt
Mike:-black belt
Unlike forgetting the names of people you meet at a party, it pays to remember the names of people you'll be seeing on a regular basis. I think it's particularly important to establish a good rapport with people who may be slamming you into the mat, or rolling all over you. I don't want to be the guy who says, "High five, Dude, awesome ippon seionage!" Not that I'd ever say, "High five, Carlton, awesome ippon seionage," if there were a Carlton. Also, I want them to know my name so that they don't think of me as "The new douche who tries too hard." Hello, my name is Meguro.
New people I've met at Judo class:
Joe-a yellow belt
Eli-Green belt
Helen-a yellow belt
Usam-brown belt
Anthony-brown belt
Mike:-black belt
Thursday, March 24, 2011
You Look Maavelous
After just two days, my double weave Fuji judo gi arrived from Russ, the proprietor, helped me make the selection. I'm 5'9" and 160, the dogi is a Fuji size 4. I threw the jacket in the washing machine with hot water and then into the drier. The fit is just about right. One hot wash and this dogi looks maavelous.
A double weave judo gi is not an article of clothing. It's an engineered piece of training equipment. All the seams are heavily reinforced. Stress points have a second layer of fabric. Grabbing the lapel feels like filling your hand with a steam-ship's bow-line. It wears like a suit of armor. A heavy weight karate dogi is as delicate as a dress shirt in comparison.
-db snatches (65 lbs, 40,8'57)
-weighted chin-ups (70 lbs, 6x5)
-100 burpees and 50 pull-ups (9'16"44)
-db c & push press (65 lbs, 3x6, 12'47)
So I'm working with a heavier db (65 lbs). Snatching is much easier than cleaning and push pressing this weight at the moment. Looks like 65 will be the default number for a while. The 100 burpee time with pull-ups improved markedly. I wasn't expecting that.
A double weave judo gi is not an article of clothing. It's an engineered piece of training equipment. All the seams are heavily reinforced. Stress points have a second layer of fabric. Grabbing the lapel feels like filling your hand with a steam-ship's bow-line. It wears like a suit of armor. A heavy weight karate dogi is as delicate as a dress shirt in comparison.
-db snatches (65 lbs, 40,8'57)
-weighted chin-ups (70 lbs, 6x5)
-100 burpees and 50 pull-ups (9'16"44)
-db c & push press (65 lbs, 3x6, 12'47)
So I'm working with a heavier db (65 lbs). Snatching is much easier than cleaning and push pressing this weight at the moment. Looks like 65 will be the default number for a while. The 100 burpee time with pull-ups improved markedly. I wasn't expecting that.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
after the fall
So it's a few days after Judo class and I notice some soreness in my neck, right at the base near my clavicle. The back is a little tight, and I've got a fist size bruise on my chest. All considered, not too bad.
-20 neutral grip chin-ups
-db squat cleans (2x60lbs)
-fat grip db shrugs
The meat of this work-out is the db squat cleans. It doesn't look like much, but I found it challenging to complete in under 5 minutes. It felt very much like a Tabata protocol routine.
-20 neutral grip chin-ups
-db squat cleans (2x60lbs)
-fat grip db shrugs
The meat of this work-out is the db squat cleans. It doesn't look like much, but I found it challenging to complete in under 5 minutes. It felt very much like a Tabata protocol routine.
Friday, March 18, 2011
a week in review
-50 burpees, 25 pull-ups (4'52)
I was feeling a little burnt out, so no 100 burpees today.
-weighted chin-ups (70 lbs, 5x5)
-TGU's (Bulgarian bag, 5 min)
This was a Judo themed workout. Naturally, weighted chin-ups are going to figure in the plan. Next, I rested my 40 lbs Bulgarian bag on my chest and performed Turkish Get-Ups. I alternated sides by pressing and transferring the weight from my left to the right. Unlike TGU's with kb's or db's where the weight is pressed, the weight remained resting on my chest and shoulder area to simulate the weight (albeit very light) of my opponent.
-db snatches (60 lbs, 50, 10 mins?)
I accidently turned off my stop watch at 2'38. Doh! Anyway, I finished 40 reps faster and easier than before, so I went for 50 reps.
-20 pull-ups
-Judo class
So I signed up for Judo at the Y and took my first class in more than 30 years. For some reason the instructor did not show. Lucky for me a green belt and yellow belt did not get the memo that class had been cancelled for St. Patrick's Day. I practiced some basic technique and then randori (sparring). The timed db workouts are perfect for this type of sparring. The matches were two minutes a piece, and I had plenty of speed and energy to go the distance with my partners.
Note: Judo has changed since I was a kid. Every time I threw the yellow belt, he complained that I was not doing Judo. When I slammed him into the mat with a kouchi/ouchi gari combination, he was very displeased. As a kid, we would often do this combo as a sacrifice throw, that is go down with the opponent, and then into mat work. They don't do Judo this way. The club is very casual and that is probably best for now.
-50 burpees, 25 pull-ups (4'52)
I was feeling a little burnt out, so no 100 burpees today.
-weighted chin-ups (70 lbs, 5x5)
-TGU's (Bulgarian bag, 5 min)
This was a Judo themed workout. Naturally, weighted chin-ups are going to figure in the plan. Next, I rested my 40 lbs Bulgarian bag on my chest and performed Turkish Get-Ups. I alternated sides by pressing and transferring the weight from my left to the right. Unlike TGU's with kb's or db's where the weight is pressed, the weight remained resting on my chest and shoulder area to simulate the weight (albeit very light) of my opponent.
-db snatches (60 lbs, 50, 10 mins?)
I accidently turned off my stop watch at 2'38. Doh! Anyway, I finished 40 reps faster and easier than before, so I went for 50 reps.
-20 pull-ups
-Judo class
So I signed up for Judo at the Y and took my first class in more than 30 years. For some reason the instructor did not show. Lucky for me a green belt and yellow belt did not get the memo that class had been cancelled for St. Patrick's Day. I practiced some basic technique and then randori (sparring). The timed db workouts are perfect for this type of sparring. The matches were two minutes a piece, and I had plenty of speed and energy to go the distance with my partners.
Note: Judo has changed since I was a kid. Every time I threw the yellow belt, he complained that I was not doing Judo. When I slammed him into the mat with a kouchi/ouchi gari combination, he was very displeased. As a kid, we would often do this combo as a sacrifice throw, that is go down with the opponent, and then into mat work. They don't do Judo this way. The club is very casual and that is probably best for now.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
-20 chin-ups
-60 lbs. db snatch (40, 10'57)
-weighted bent arm hang (70 lbs, 4x=1 min)
-db squat cleans (4x6, 2x60 lbs)
-single arm db C&P ( 3x6, 60 lbs)
The other night I checked out a Judo class at the Y. The last time I did Judo, Nixon was in the White House. Yow! The Judo community is quite small where I live. Everyone knows everyone. The instructor at the Y knew my former instructor. He had some nice things to say about sensei and mentioned that our dojo (Judo Kai) patch was now a collector's item. Kewl.
-20 chin-ups
-60 lbs. db snatch (40, 10'57)
-weighted bent arm hang (70 lbs, 4x=1 min)
-db squat cleans (4x6, 2x60 lbs)
-single arm db C&P ( 3x6, 60 lbs)
The other night I checked out a Judo class at the Y. The last time I did Judo, Nixon was in the White House. Yow! The Judo community is quite small where I live. Everyone knows everyone. The instructor at the Y knew my former instructor. He had some nice things to say about sensei and mentioned that our dojo (Judo Kai) patch was now a collector's item. Kewl.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Single-arm db clean and press
Let's be clear, what I'm talking about is a single-arm, db clean and push-press. Why the clarification? Because such specificity is so unwieldy. The P in C&P, for me is always a push press. I'm more interested in explosive movement than brute strength. In my mind, it's about efficiency, like adding a turbocharger to your car's engine instead of more cubic inches to the cylinders. As it translates to the fight game, it reinforces the coordination required to throw powerful strikes.
-single-arm db clean and press (5x5, 60 lbs)
Is it necessary to mention that single arm exercises are repeated so that both sides perform the same amount of work?
I think 60 lbs. is the limit I can safely work with. Frankly, stabilizing 2, 60's overhead worries me. A barbell is a different story. Anyway, I'll be parking it here for a while as I build strength and confidence. This workout took more than the usual 10 minutes.
-100 burpees+50 pull-ups (9'42)
My split was a little slower than before (4'38 vs 4'10), but my time for the hundred improved by 16 seconds. I think I can shave a couple more seconds more by not stumbling around after each set of pull-ups, in other words more efficient transitions.
-single-arm db clean and press (5x5, 60 lbs)
Is it necessary to mention that single arm exercises are repeated so that both sides perform the same amount of work?
I think 60 lbs. is the limit I can safely work with. Frankly, stabilizing 2, 60's overhead worries me. A barbell is a different story. Anyway, I'll be parking it here for a while as I build strength and confidence. This workout took more than the usual 10 minutes.
-100 burpees+50 pull-ups (9'42)
My split was a little slower than before (4'38 vs 4'10), but my time for the hundred improved by 16 seconds. I think I can shave a couple more seconds more by not stumbling around after each set of pull-ups, in other words more efficient transitions.
Friday, March 4, 2011
better than nothing
The plan, yesterday, was to do 100 burpees and 50 pull-ups. I don't know if I was incubating a bug or if my pacing was off and I started too fast but I stopped half way.
-50 burpees and 25 pull-ups (4'10)
-weighted bent-arm hangs (70 lbs, 3x20 secs)
Maybe it's a bug. I could barely get out of bed this morning.
-db snatch (60,lbs, 40 reps, 11'38)
Still feeling run down, but since I was up. . .
-50 burpees and 25 pull-ups (4'10)
-weighted bent-arm hangs (70 lbs, 3x20 secs)
Maybe it's a bug. I could barely get out of bed this morning.
-db snatch (60,lbs, 40 reps, 11'38)
Still feeling run down, but since I was up. . .
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
back is back
I thought I'd peek under the bandages, so to speak, to see if my back had recovered. I grabbed two 55 lbs. db's and got crazy.
-db squat cleans (3x10, 2x55lbs db's)
-kneeling to standing ab-roll-outs (2x10)
-20 neutral grip pull-ups
For the first set, I thought I'd try to do a 10 minute set, pausing for three breaths between each rep. At the 5 rep mark, I knew my plan was bat-shit crazy. I made it to 10 reps in 2'53 and decided 3x10's would be better, as long as I kept the three breaths between reps. The second set had me taking three quick breaths-it was agony trying to prolong the second set. I finished it in 1'33. For the last set, I dumped the three breaths per and just knocked out 10 reps as fast as I could.
It appears that my back is back, at least when it comes to bearing weight at the shoulders. The next test is pressing two db's overhead. For now, enjoy
-db squat cleans (3x10, 2x55lbs db's)
-kneeling to standing ab-roll-outs (2x10)
-20 neutral grip pull-ups
For the first set, I thought I'd try to do a 10 minute set, pausing for three breaths between each rep. At the 5 rep mark, I knew my plan was bat-shit crazy. I made it to 10 reps in 2'53 and decided 3x10's would be better, as long as I kept the three breaths between reps. The second set had me taking three quick breaths-it was agony trying to prolong the second set. I finished it in 1'33. For the last set, I dumped the three breaths per and just knocked out 10 reps as fast as I could.
It appears that my back is back, at least when it comes to bearing weight at the shoulders. The next test is pressing two db's overhead. For now, enjoy
Monday, February 28, 2011
Uni & Iso
-20 neutral grip pull-ups
-single arm cheat curl, push press (10 min's, 55lbs db)
-kneeling roll-out to standing concentric (2x10)
Same deal with the cheat curl push press: one db, no letting go for 10 minutes of unilateral fun. This is a grip intensive exercise. It works the core stabilizers and the ticker as well. With the roll-outs, I start out kneeling, at full extension pop the knees and return to standing. I get to work the concentric even though I don't quite have the core strength for the eccentric phase.
-50 burpees (3'06)
-Handstand holds (3 holds=2 min)
-pistols (2x10 bw, 2x10+10lbs)
I noticed a big improvement in the burpees (-20 seconds), after I took quick breathers at the 25th and 40th reps. Handstand holds, haven't done these in a while. The back protested with not so mild cramping. Paging Drs. Roller and Lacrosseballs.
-20 neutral grip pull-ups
-single arm cheat curl, push press (10 min's, 55lbs db)
-kneeling roll-out to standing concentric (2x10)
Same deal with the cheat curl push press: one db, no letting go for 10 minutes of unilateral fun. This is a grip intensive exercise. It works the core stabilizers and the ticker as well. With the roll-outs, I start out kneeling, at full extension pop the knees and return to standing. I get to work the concentric even though I don't quite have the core strength for the eccentric phase.
-50 burpees (3'06)
-Handstand holds (3 holds=2 min)
-pistols (2x10 bw, 2x10+10lbs)
I noticed a big improvement in the burpees (-20 seconds), after I took quick breathers at the 25th and 40th reps. Handstand holds, haven't done these in a while. The back protested with not so mild cramping. Paging Drs. Roller and Lacrosseballs.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Meguro's db snatch test
-db hang power snatches (10 minutes, GSish)
-ab roll-outs (3x5)
-VB50 (3'26)
-close grip chin-ups w/Fe(fortified with 35 kg of iron, 5x5)
-frog stands (1 min)
The requirements of the Secret Service Snatch Test are that you snatch a 24 kg kettlebell as many times as possible in ten minutes. You may switch grips as many times as desired. You can even rest the kb on the ground. In Girevoy Sport, that is the sport of kettlebell lifting, you may only switch grips once in ten minutes. You are also not allowed to rest the kb on the ground.
I've mashed the two rule sets together for my dumbbell snatch test. First, I'm using a 54 lbs dumbbell. Like the SSST, I allow multiple grip changes. Like GS, there's no resting of the bell on the ground.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
10 minutes of suckage
I feel as if I've been slacking the past few days, so it's time to crack the whip!
-VB100 + 50 chin-ups (9'55)
Well, I improved by 3/100 of a second. That's practically a rounding error. At least I didn't slow down, but still. I guess the mega dose of V(itamin) B(urpee), 100 reps, needs smaller doses of VB50 throughout the week.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
President's Day weekend of sloth
I didn't record a workout over the weekend, as the training was mostly pull-ups and chin-ups, some max rep and some weighted, and a few weighted bent arm hangs. There was a little more structure to yesterday's workout.
-2x4x10 single arm cheat curl to push press
-2x10 kneeling to standing ab-roll-outs
-2x10 single leg squats (aka pistols)*
The cheat curl to push press felt a little bit like interval training. I'd swing the dumbbell up to the rack position and press for each rep until 10 reps were completed, switch to the other side, do the same, then rest. Repeat.
Yesterday was the first time I ever got the pistol. Having done them, I think traditional heavy squatting is much harder than a body weight, single leg squat. The trick, which eluded me until yesterday, is keeping your center of gravity forward. By grabbing the toes of my outstretched, non-squatting leg, I was able to keep my balance, go all the way down and stand right back up.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
-weighted close-grip chin-ups (10, 24 kg, pb)
-3x3 (35 kg, + 10 sec hold /set)
-60 db snatches
-kneeling to standing ab-roll outs (2x10)
I made some modest progress on the weighted chin-ups. I would like to think that it was due to the weighted bent arm hangs, but who knows. I'm pulling more with no elbow pain, so it's steady as she goes.
It took me about 12 minutes snatch the 24 kg dumbbell 60 times over head. Like in the sport of kettlebell lifting, I did not put the weight down-what a bastard. You don't realize how much rest you derive from letting go of the weight until you hold on for time.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
More unilateral fun with single arm snatches.
-single arm snatches (60)
-kneeling to standing ab roll-outs (2x10)
-20 close grip chin-ups
Snatching a dumbbell is not nearly as technical as with a kettlebell, and that's why I like it. With a kb, even experts occasionally end up with bruised arms and skin missing from their hands. I suppose chalk and ace bandages might address these kb negatives, but why bother when a db is more user friendly. I didn't pace myself with this one, just went after it until I got tired.
If you've mastered the kneeling ab-wheel roll-out, try this progression, kneeling roll-out to a standing concentric contraction. Once you are extended from the kneeling position, straighten your knees so that your feet and the wheel are the only contact points with the ground. Pause for a second or two, then draw the wheels to your feet.
I finished with "20 is the new 10" straight set of chin-ups.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Breathe and rest
-kb breathing ladder (24 kg, 1-20)
This is the first day swinging the kettlebell since something went pop in my back. Today's workout comprised single arm swings, altering arms from set to set. I wanted to avoid fatigue borne strain, so kept to the ladder format rather than pyramiding down from 20-1. No pops, pings or sproings.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Walk This Way
The words for the day are stabilization, core, and shoulder.
-20 pull-ups, 6x10 sec weighted bent arm hangs
-VB50 (3'24)
-Single-arm, db snatches (3x8)
-Waiter walks (3x10 per side)
Since reading a thread on Ross Training about making 20 the new 10, I'm pretty happy that it's working out for me with the pull-ups. I hope I can sustain this level, but it's hard to maintain focus. Something new always pops up.
The burpees sucked. I started out way too fast and contemplated stopping at 30 and again at 35. I was very surprised when I looked at the stop watch.
Single arm snatches and waiter walks ( basically walking with a db locked-out overhead) comprise phase two of my rehabbing the back initiative. Walk any way you like. I choose to walk sanchin like (advancing and retreating as your feet trace crescent shapes on the floor). Karate folks out there will know what I'm talking about.
The no-mas-ometer reads 3.4.
Friday, February 11, 2011
It's the weekend! Well, soon enough. Couple things of note: Hosni Mubarak resigns; Title Boxing Thai pads arrive; 100 burpees.
-100 burpees & 50 pull-ups (9'58)
This time I substituted regular pull-ups for the L-sit pull ups, and as predicted, I reduced my time by approximately 2 minutes. I bracketed sets of 10 burpees and 5 pu's with 20 burpees and 10 pu's, to complete the 100/50. The first set of 20 burpees took 1'06, the last was much longer.
My kids are pretty exited about the arrival of the Thai pads. Can you say mawashi geri?
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
rest days and training days
Rest day
-pull-ups 20, 20, 10
-standing ab-roll-outs (8x1, straddle)
I kept the actual training to a minimum. I did straights sets of pull-ups morning, noon, and evening, as well as singles of standing ab-roll-outs from a straddle stance. By spreading your legs to double shoulder width, you shorten the lever arm and make the roll-out easier, though not nearly as easy as a kneeling roll-out. A good part of this rest day was spent getting out the kinks with the lacrosse balls.
-VB50 (3'29, 50)
-goblet squats (3x10)
-single arm push press (3x5)
-bent arm knees to bar (2x10)
I was hoping to improve or at least hold on to my previous 50 burpee time, but at around the 20 rep point it became clear to me that my tank was a little empty. Booo. The goblet squats felt much better-back and stomach felt steady. This gave me confidence to try bring one dumbbell to my shoulder for push-presses. Hmn. Not quite there yet. Warning lights flickered. Proceed with caution. A twinge in my lat during the last bent-arm k2b, tells me to ease off.
The no-mas-ometer reads 3.6.
Monday, February 7, 2011
goblet squats
The goblet squat, if you listen to Dan John, is the best way to improve your squatting technique. For me, it was the best way to test out my core strength and the ability of my back to resume work after some time off.
-6x10 goblet squats (54lbs db)
-6x10 sec weighted bent arm hang (69lbs)
-4x10 dips
It was an important test. If I couldn't manage goblet squats with this weight, it would mean I really screwed up my back. Passed. Proceeding with caution. I'm also happy that I'm feeling no pain in the elbows since I increased the weight on chin-ups and bent arm hangs.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Burpees + pull-ups
It's an overcast Saturday morning, more snow is expected but so far nothing. Everybody is still in their pajamas and it looks like a slow start to the day. . . except for me.
-VB100 + 50 pull-ups (12'29)
-db shrugs w/heel-raises (4x15)
This is how it went. I started with 20 burpees followed by 10 L-sit pull-ups. After that first set I realized that the L-sit pull-ups would give me problems, so I broke it down to sets of 10 burpees and 5 L sit pull-ups till I completed 100 burpees and 50 L-sit pu's. Weeeeell, the plan got modified at the 25 rep mark on the L-sit pu's where I switched to regular pu's.
If it weren't for those first 25 L-sit pu's I probably could have chopped 2 minutes off this exercise. It's very difficult to perform an isometric exercise like an L-sit when you're in oxygen debt from burpees. Switching to regular pu's allowed me to catch my breath between sets of burpees. At this point, 5 pull-ups became welcome, albeit short, rest periods.
Friday, February 4, 2011
Thai Pads
I just ordered some Thai pads, not to be confused with pad thai, from Title Boxing, and can't wait till they arrive. I expect they'll come in handy for the frequent karate training sessions that come up with the K4L crowd. What I really look forward to, however, is training my girls to throw proper punches and kicks. In the future, if someone ever accuses them of hitting like a girl, he'll be rubbing his jaw with a look of sad remembrance.
-20 pull-ups
-5x10 sec weighted bent arm hangs (69lbs)
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Well my back is still no-go. I tested it with single-arm db clean & press, and even on my strong side, my back protested. It's jacked up good. Plan B will remain in effect.
-VB50 (3'11, 50)
-kneeling ab-roll-outs and flies (3x10)
Evidently, while my precariously stacked vertebra complain under vertical load they don't seem to mind the stress of burpees. I'm pretty happy with 3'11 (can sub 3' be far off?). The wheels will be seeing more use (click on the title), as I try to work around the injury. Today I alternated between sets of kneeling roll-outs and kneeling flies. Maintaining straight arms on the flies is not too difficult from the kneeling position. With straight legs I'm sure a face plant is inevitable.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
maintenance mode
-VB50(3'17, 40, 10)
-chin-ups 2x15
-dips 2x10
-db squat/reverse lunge (30)
-chin-ups w/Fe (5x2)
-kneeling roll-outs (30)
I'm pleased that the back pain doesn't interfere with the burpees and other exercises. It's only when I try to stabilize a load above my waist that my back feels like a stack of coins half a stack too high. Baby steps.
Friday, January 28, 2011
Old School Calisthenics
I am discovering that my ability to recover from strenuous, and let's face it, not so strenuous exercise, is not what it used to be. I am inclined to think it's age related, which might also explain why I'm not getting much sleep either. Or. . . maybe the two are tied together (sleep & recovery). Riiight.
-jumping jacks (4x100)
-knuckle push-ups (4x25)
-sit-ups (4x25)
-fat-grip shrugs w/heel raise (4x15)
-max close grip chin-ups (21)
I thought about recovery as I was chugging through the burpees. Pretty sure yesterday's reverse lunge burpees are to blame for today's anemic VB50 warm up. The jj's, pu's and su's comprise my re-introduction of old school calisthenics. They weren't too challenging, but maybe just the thing to get the blood flowing. I added some fat-grip shrugs w/heel raises to work the grip, calves and traps. I'll be doing more of these until my back feels better and I can get weight higher than my waist. Finally, I finished with a few reps less than max attempt on the chin-ups. Just trying to stay within my limits and avoid strain.
The no-mas-ometer reads 3.1.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
That which doesn't kill me
makes me older.
Today I revisited the db reverse lunge burpees. The first time I did this, my hamstrings were not pleased with the experience. I neglected to mention that the following day, my back wasn't so happy either. I was sloppy with the form and leaned forward in order to speed up that which should not be rushed. Well, I just about recovered from that. Time for round two.
-40 db reverse lunge burpees (9'17)
-4x10 dips
-4x2 close grip chin-ups w/Fe
This workout took approximately 15 minutes. After the burpees, I hopped right into the dips and chins, alternating without rest. Throughout the routine, I watched out for any hint of strain. Nothing. The plan is to stay within my limits and not push it.
The no-mas-ometer read 3.4.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Trigger points- You can touch this
When it comes to pain management, you can touch this (click on the title for a link to trigger point spots).
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
1st world problems
I hate training injuries, and this latest one has got me angry with myself. Fred, a French expat living in China, brought to my attention the difference between first world problems and third world (or developing world) problems. In the third world you might worry about having access to potable water, primary health care or rule of law. First world problems include not getting a clear wifi signal and your Starbucks running out of cardboard coffee cup sleeves. I would classify my back pain as a first world woe. It's not as if I hurt my back because the water buffalo died leaving me the rice paddy to plow sans draft animal. No, I strained it doing one too many kettlebell swings or not warming up sufficiently before doing some db squat cleans. Sheesh.
Annnyway, my back continues to seize unpredictably so I'll lay off holding any weights above my waist. I am able to chin-with the dip belt so I'll continue those: GTG weighted (69 lbs) chin-ups. I'm pleased that my hamstrings are not sore from the reverse lunge burpees, yay lacrosse ball prophylaxis.
-100 jumping jacks, 10 dips (x4)
-GTG close grip chin-ups w/Fe
Jumping jacks, push-ups and sit-ups are a trio of old-school bodyweight exercises I've ignored. I'm feeling a little nostalgic and plan on getting good numbers once again with these oldies.
Monday, January 24, 2011
blunt force rolla
Just because I've fallen hard for the lacrosse balls as massage tool, it's not time to throw out the foam roller. First, let me say that the lacrosse balls worked like a treat in preempting a hamstring meltdown from yesterday's reverse lunge burpee extravaganza. They did nothing, however, for my erector spinae which were also hurtin'. I've criticized the foam roller for being a blunt tool, but blunt tool was exactly what I needed to roll out the ropey knots along my spine. Foam roller, I can't quit you.
In other news, Jack LaLanne passes away at 96. I thought of doing a 1000 push-up workout in honor of Jack, but will have to save it for another day. RIP.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
reverse lunge burpees
This workout is rated E for Eccentric. You will recall I mentioned eccentric training a little while back. I came up with an exercise that will light up your hamstrings like a blowtorch. The idea came to me as I was trying out some db deadlift burpees-they just weren't doing it for me. I was doing these in lieu of the Frankensteins, which I miss. Not wanting to strain my back with the db's at my shoulders, I thought, "hey, let's do a reverse lunge to lower the db's and from there go right into the push-up." Thus was born the reverse lunge burpee. Start with a db dead lift, lower db's via reverse lunge, push-up, repeat.
-40 reverse lunge burpees (8'32)
It takes a while to get used to a new movement pattern. Throwing in a reverse lunge in the middle of a burpee qualifies as new. Like all new eccentric movements, this one hurts. There's no delay. It's ROMS, R for rapid. I'm going to prescribe lacrosse balls for the pain .
The no-mas-ometer reads 3.4.
Friday, January 21, 2011
let's Muller
Here's an interesting bit of exercise history. Franz Kafka was a devout follower of an exercise guru who advocated 15 minutes of exercise per day (in addition to bathing, fresh air and nudity).
I thought the article appeared at a good time, as I've been trying to deal with a little back pain. It's nothing too serious, but serious enough to keep me from lifting anything heavy. So no heavy stuff. I've been doing burpees, weighted chinups and dips which don't seem to aggravate the back. I've also been using the lacrosse balls to improve flexibility and mobility. The foam roller is a blunt tool compared to the lacrosse balls.
-50 burpees (3'28, 30+20)
-GTG weighted chin-ups and dips
-50 burpees (3'34, 30+10+10)
-GTG weighted chin-ups and dips
-jumping jacks
-50 burpees (3'26, 50)
-static flies with wheels
-Frog stands
So, not quite Muller, but a little bit of something.
*Looks like Frankensteins are out for a while.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Answers a question I never thought to ask, "What if a comic strip character was an insomniac with daddy issues?" Makes me feel like I was asleep in the back of the class.
-50 burpees (3'13)
-30-26 kb swing breathing ladder (step ladder, really)
-2 mins of frog stands
-1st Frankensteins of the year (21, 6'43)
-GTG weighted 2x chins (69lbs)
There was a reason I'd been putting these off. Aargh. I set up the speedbag interval timer to 30 secs of work/rest intervals for the burpees, with squat clean and press. When you look at it, 3 reps per minute, and 30 secs of rests, doesn't seem so difficult. Bahahahaha.
The no-mas-ometer reads 3.8.
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