Wednesday, February 9, 2011

rest days and training days

Rest day
-pull-ups 20, 20, 10
-standing ab-roll-outs (8x1, straddle)

I kept the actual training to a minimum. I did straights sets of pull-ups morning, noon, and evening, as well as singles of standing ab-roll-outs from a straddle stance. By spreading your legs to double shoulder width, you shorten the lever arm and make the roll-out easier, though not nearly as easy as a kneeling roll-out. A good part of this rest day was spent getting out the kinks with the lacrosse balls.

-VB50 (3'29, 50)
-goblet squats (3x10)
-single arm push press (3x5)
-bent arm knees to bar (2x10)

I was hoping to improve or at least hold on to my previous 50 burpee time, but at around the 20 rep point it became clear to me that my tank was a little empty. Booo. The goblet squats felt much better-back and stomach felt steady. This gave me confidence to try bring one dumbbell to my shoulder for push-presses. Hmn. Not quite there yet. Warning lights flickered. Proceed with caution. A twinge in my lat during the last bent-arm k2b, tells me to ease off.

The no-mas-ometer reads 3.6.
