Tuesday, January 25, 2011

1st world problems

I hate training injuries, and this latest one has got me angry with myself. Fred, a French expat living in China, brought to my attention the difference between first world problems and third world (or developing world) problems. In the third world you might worry about having access to potable water, primary health care or rule of law. First world problems include not getting a clear wifi signal and your Starbucks running out of cardboard coffee cup sleeves. I would classify my back pain as a first world woe. It's not as if I hurt my back because the water buffalo died leaving me the rice paddy to plow sans draft animal. No, I strained it doing one too many kettlebell swings or not warming up sufficiently before doing some db squat cleans. Sheesh.

Annnyway, my back continues to seize unpredictably so I'll lay off holding any weights above my waist. I am able to chin-with the dip belt so I'll continue those: GTG weighted (69 lbs) chin-ups. I'm pleased that my hamstrings are not sore from the reverse lunge burpees, yay lacrosse ball prophylaxis.

-100 jumping jacks, 10 dips (x4)
-GTG close grip chin-ups w/Fe

Jumping jacks, push-ups and sit-ups are a trio of old-school bodyweight exercises I've ignored. I'm feeling a little nostalgic and plan on getting good numbers once again with these oldies.


  1. Dang man! Hope that back heals up soon.

  2. Thanks, MMX. It's not serious. The water buffalo didn't die or anything. I'm just bummed that I can't train like I want to.

  3. My back sometimes does the same thing. Try a foam roller on the floor, rolling back and forth over the area. That sometimes helps me! OSU

  4. Thanks for the recommendation, Patty. I am a big foam roller fan, recently a lacrosse ball enthusiast. I'm always searching for better ways to address the pain.:-)
