Thursday, January 27, 2011

That which doesn't kill me

makes me older.

Today I revisited the db reverse lunge burpees. The first time I did this, my hamstrings were not pleased with the experience. I neglected to mention that the following day, my back wasn't so happy either. I was sloppy with the form and leaned forward in order to speed up that which should not be rushed. Well, I just about recovered from that. Time for round two.

-40 db reverse lunge burpees (9'17)
-4x10 dips
-4x2 close grip chin-ups w/Fe

This workout took approximately 15 minutes. After the burpees, I hopped right into the dips and chins, alternating without rest. Throughout the routine, I watched out for any hint of strain. Nothing. The plan is to stay within my limits and not push it.

The no-mas-ometer read 3.4.
