Friday, March 18, 2011

a week in review

-50 burpees, 25 pull-ups (4'52)

I was feeling a little burnt out, so no 100 burpees today.

-weighted chin-ups (70 lbs, 5x5)
-TGU's (Bulgarian bag, 5 min)

This was a Judo themed workout. Naturally, weighted chin-ups are going to figure in the plan. Next, I rested my 40 lbs Bulgarian bag on my chest and performed Turkish Get-Ups. I alternated sides by pressing and transferring the weight from my left to the right. Unlike TGU's with kb's or db's where the weight is pressed, the weight remained resting on my chest and shoulder area to simulate the weight (albeit very light) of my opponent.

-db snatches (60 lbs, 50, 10 mins?)

I accidently turned off my stop watch at 2'38. Doh! Anyway, I finished 40 reps faster and easier than before, so I went for 50 reps.

-20 pull-ups
-Judo class

So I signed up for Judo at the Y and took my first class in more than 30 years. For some reason the instructor did not show. Lucky for me a green belt and yellow belt did not get the memo that class had been cancelled for St. Patrick's Day. I practiced some basic technique and then randori (sparring). The timed db workouts are perfect for this type of sparring. The matches were two minutes a piece, and I had plenty of speed and energy to go the distance with my partners.

Note: Judo has changed since I was a kid. Every time I threw the yellow belt, he complained that I was not doing Judo. When I slammed him into the mat with a kouchi/ouchi gari combination, he was very displeased. As a kid, we would often do this combo as a sacrifice throw, that is go down with the opponent, and then into mat work. They don't do Judo this way. The club is very casual and that is probably best for now.



  1. OSu!

    Sounds good Meguro!

    Who knows maybe it is only because they are not use to it..

  2. Osu! They also don't say ,"Osu!" :-D
