Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Dodging a bullet

New York City dodged a bullet named Hurricane Irene. A worst case scenario predicted blown out windows and flying debris acting like shrapnel. My family was prepared to sit out the tempest in our building's stairwell, the only space shielded on 4 sides by concrete. As it turned out, the winds never reached hurricane proportions. We spent the weekend parked in front of the television watching a stack of dvd's which we expected would be interrupted by a power outage that never came. Letters from Iwo Jima, Jennifer's Body were two standout films. Less well received were Old Dogs and Kandahar. We also caught up on past episodes of the TV series Bones. No, I did not work-out.

-10x10 bw pull-ups w/ off-set negs

Because the Rock Rings cause my body to hang so low from the pull-up bar, I have to do these pull-ups with my knees raised into what looks like a bad L-sit. It ends up being somewhat of a core workout.

-140 kb swings
-2x10 heavy, 2x10 light presses

420 bw
68 weighted (24 kgs)
30 weighted (40.8 kgs)