Monday, February 14, 2011

Walk This Way

The words for the day are stabilization, core, and shoulder.

-20 pull-ups, 6x10 sec weighted bent arm hangs
-VB50 (3'24)
-Single-arm, db snatches (3x8)
-Waiter walks (3x10 per side)

Since reading a thread on Ross Training about making 20 the new 10, I'm pretty happy that it's working out for me with the pull-ups. I hope I can sustain this level, but it's hard to maintain focus. Something new always pops up.

The burpees sucked. I started out way too fast and contemplated stopping at 30 and again at 35. I was very surprised when I looked at the stop watch.

Single arm snatches and waiter walks ( basically walking with a db locked-out overhead) comprise phase two of my rehabbing the back initiative. Walk any way you like. I choose to walk sanchin like (advancing and retreating as your feet trace crescent shapes on the floor). Karate folks out there will know what I'm talking about.

The no-mas-ometer reads 3.4.
