Saturday, February 5, 2011

Burpees + pull-ups

It's an overcast Saturday morning, more snow is expected but so far nothing. Everybody is still in their pajamas and it looks like a slow start to the day. . . except for me.

-VB100 + 50 pull-ups (12'29)
-db shrugs w/heel-raises (4x15)

This is how it went. I started with 20 burpees followed by 10 L-sit pull-ups. After that first set I realized that the L-sit pull-ups would give me problems, so I broke it down to sets of 10 burpees and 5 L sit pull-ups till I completed 100 burpees and 50 L-sit pu's. Weeeeell, the plan got modified at the 25 rep mark on the L-sit pu's where I switched to regular pu's.

If it weren't for those first 25 L-sit pu's I probably could have chopped 2 minutes off this exercise. It's very difficult to perform an isometric exercise like an L-sit when you're in oxygen debt from burpees. Switching to regular pu's allowed me to catch my breath between sets of burpees. At this point, 5 pull-ups became welcome, albeit short, rest periods.


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