Wednesday, February 16, 2011

More unilateral fun with single arm snatches.

-single arm snatches (60)
-kneeling to standing ab roll-outs (2x10)
-20 close grip chin-ups

Snatching a dumbbell is not nearly as technical as with a kettlebell, and that's why I like it. With a kb, even experts occasionally end up with bruised arms and skin missing from their hands. I suppose chalk and ace bandages might address these kb negatives, but why bother when a db is more user friendly. I didn't pace myself with this one, just went after it until I got tired.

If you've mastered the kneeling ab-wheel roll-out, try this progression, kneeling roll-out to a standing concentric contraction. Once you are extended from the kneeling position, straighten your knees so that your feet and the wheel are the only contact points with the ground. Pause for a second or two, then draw the wheels to your feet.

I finished with "20 is the new 10" straight set of chin-ups.


  1. While I can do kneeling rollouts reasonably well, I tried that kneeling to standing rollout progression a while back and failed miserably. I couldn't get the knees off the floor without falling on my face. Any thoughts on what I might need to work on? I haven't done any rollouts at all for awhile - need to do something about that!

  2. I don't know if there was one thing, as it feels as if I've done it all. When you are full extended, it is a whole body contraction. Think of squeezing everything, lats, jaw, grip, toes, quads, butt cheeks. Leave nothing lax. Also, try front lever progressions as they work the same muscle groups.

  3. One more thing, knees to the bar. These seemed to hit the lower abs good, which somehow had a nice spill over for the front lever and roll-outs.:-)
