Monday, November 22, 2010

Top Gear

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. In the case of the American version of Top Gear, the immensely popular British car fan program, the compliment falls just short. It reminded me of children playing grown-up: just because you can put on mom and dad's oversize shoes and clomp around, doesn't mean you can fill their shoes. Such was my feeling as I watched the video of the program while working out today.

You've seen this routine before. It's Frankenstein, only double the duration (20 minutes). I'm calling it the Fredinator, after my pal FredinChina, who this weekend showed me what toughness was all about.

-set the kitchen timer to 20 minutes
-db burpees (substitute clean and push press (or thruster) for the jump)

What's challenging about doubling the duration of the exercise is your body wants to quit half-way through the workout. I was determined not to quit, but wondered if I would be rewarded for my efforts (42 reps) with a tweaked something. So far so good. I just don't want to sneeze and end up with a crick in my neck.

The no-mas-ometer reads 4.0.



  1. Dang that is worthy of Fred indeed!

  2. Another 4.0 on the no-mas-o-meter - nice!!

  3. The Fredinator --- since it drew a 4.0 on the no-mas-O'meter, I am honored meguro.
    Great fight yesterday, I have the marks of your ushiro geris on my forearms!

    Thanks for showing up.

