Thursday, August 5, 2010


When I started my training journal on K4L the idea was to squeeze as much strength and conditioning training in 10-20 minutes. The no-mas-ometer, which functioned as a measure of my perceived effort, kept me honest and on track. Overtime, I drifted away from the no-mas-ometer as I focused on strength and skills that required more time. The result was a decline in conditioning and arbitrary gains in strength and skills. No more.

Today, I reintroduce the no-mas-ometer.
Warm up with VB50. That's right, burpees, baby!
Set the kitchen timer for 10 minutes and go for as many rounds of:
- 3 cleans/4 HSPU

I copied this workout right off the Crossfit main site. What's not to like? It's got two of my favorite exercises.

no-mas-ometer: 3/5
I was right on the verge of tweaking my shoulder so the intensity was not as high as I'd have liked; nevertheless, a good workout considering I've been paddling in the shallow end for a while.



  1. Its back!!! I missed the no-mas-o-meter meguro. I'm glad its found its way back into your heart :-D

  2. With my workouts being so short in duration, I can't skimp on the intensity. :-)
