Friday, April 22, 2011

a pain in the wrist is a pain in the a**

-ab roll-outs (3x10)
-Tabata row
-weighted dips (20 lbs, 10, 4, 4, 3x20 sec holds)

I'm thinking consecutive days of Tabata rowing are not good for me. I need to rest at least a day in between. I was a little worried about shoulders and so have shunned doing weighted dips. So what do I do? weighted dips. Sigh.

-Judo class
-back squats (2x10, 150 lbs)
-barbell push press (95 lbs, 5x3)

I mention Judo class because it preceded the workout and was a workout in itself. Newaza, the ground wrestling component of Judo requires a lot of strength endurance. It's a mix of explosive movements as well as drawn-out isometric exertion. Nagewaza refers to the throwing technique, and may requires you to hoist your opponent on your back prior to slamming him into the ground. This activity will utilize your core, including your obliques, erector spinae, and other muscles which are today reminding me I am not the young man I used to be. When it came to do the 20 rep squat, I was too tired to do it in one set. Kinda defeats the purpose of the breathing squat, but. . .

Also, I don't remember how I sprained my wrist, but I sprained my wrist. Soft tissue injuries, it seems, never heal. It's not like a broken bone which when healed is supposed to have a denser deposit of calcium. A sprain is for life.


  1. It will get better Meguro. Maybe some Seiken Push ups are in order?

  2. Osu! Thanks, Mike. Yeah, back to basics I think.
