Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Ever since returning from a week of fun in the sun, I've been feeling out of sorts. It is certain that anaerobic capacity has fallen off. Strength too, probably. I feel burnt out without having done anything. Blech.

-50 burpees and 25 pull-ups (5'03)
-30 bw pull-ups
I didn't have 100 burpees in me. . . again! Finished with 30 body weight pull-ups in addition to the 25 I did with the burpees.

-db power hang cleans & push press (40, 8'30, 2x50 lbs)
-dips (10, 20)
-weighted dip iso-holds (2x30 secs, 20lbs)

Because of the wrist sprain I dropped the weight on the db's to 50 lbs each. I had hoped that with the weight reduction I might be able to crank out something amazing like 100 reps. Pft. At least my wrist held together.



  1. Maybe you need to watch some cool knockdown highlight videos on youtube. That always gets me pumped up!

  2. That or Hobo with a Shotgun! :-D
