Friday, April 29, 2011

Judo class was a bust

Just me and another guy at Judo class last night. I have no idea why folks have been ducking class. Since it was just the two of us, we had our pick and choose of technique to work on. I worked on uchi mata, tai otoshi, and sode tsuri komi goshi. After that, some back squats and push presses.

-dips (20 lbs,3x10), weighted holds (20 lbs, 3x30 secs)
-chin-ups (80 lbs, 5x3, 5x10 sec holds)
-100 turns of Bulgarian bag (40 lbs)
-sledgehammer swings and levers

On the horizon, I agreed to a 100 burpees for 100 days challenge starting the first of May. This might suck.


  1. Every once in a while Enshin ends up being only a few of us too. Sometimes its kinda neat.I commend you for that challenge but I am not in for that haha!

  2. Warning! Warning! Danger,Will Robinson!
