Tuesday, September 28, 2010

-5 min burpees (61)
-10 minutes of squat-clean-thrusters (25)
-weighted pull-ups (2x6)
-weighted dips (10,12)

I took a short breather between the burpees and the squat-clean-thrusters, and short is not recommended. Tired and unmotivated is how I felt throughout those damned SCT's.


-5 min burpees (56)
-10 min db front squat (45)
-weighted pull-ups
-weighted dips

Although it looks like I took a hit on the burpee front, maybe so, I think there's some hidden progress as this was a straight set, ie. no rests. The day before, I shook the legs out at the 30 rep mark. Overall, I'm underwhelmed considering I did get below 3 minutes for 50 reps not too long ago. Maybe I'm past my sell by date.

The db front squat is my weak point when it comes to thrusters; the presses, not so much. I thought 5 reps per minute was a pace I should shoot for, but did not make it. Oh well.




  1. Interesting.

    I think my 5 min is topping out around 50 and I gotta shake em every 10-15.

    I did notice that all of the burpee's has made my bicycling super easy though!

  2. Nice! VB speeds up your commute!

    I used a 20-10-10-10 rep scheme, where I shook the legs out between sets and got a good time with that (sub 3). I can't get near that pace now and I'm a little disappointed. My consolation is that my knees are holding up to the volume (knocks wood).:-D
