Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Vacation training

The wife and I are taking our kids to Vienna, Austria for a few days. We'll be feeding on sacher torte, strudel, and schnitzel and that's just the first day. Since we'll be staying with family and not a hotel with a gym, training will be a little compromised, but hopefully not abandoned. Who am I kidding? I have the worst record when it comes to training on holiday.

Before I go, I thought I'd log my last couple workouts before I forget.

-weighted pull-ups (80 lbs, 5x3 with a 5 sec hold)
-12 (x(10 burpees + 5 roll-outs)

-push press (R 80 lbs, 5x5; L 5x3 75lbs)
-120 burpees

Maybe it's because of the shoulder and wrist injury, or maybe it's just lateral dimorphism, but it was a bitch trying to lift as much with my left as with my right hand. I was push pressing 80 lbs with the sensation that I could have done more. With my left hand, not so much. Any minute, I felt that I might drop the weight on my foot, or worse, head.

Not training relate, but a social note. Had a picnic in the park, me and my family with sandman and his lovely family, yesterday. We spread a blanket on Strawberry Fields and dined on Gray's Papaya recession specials then strolled over to the bandshell to listen to a little classical music. Later, when the wives tucked the kids into bed, the sandman and I hoisted a couple pints of Guinness. It was a perfect summer evening in the big bad city.
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  1. Ahh. I will always cherish the few hours we hung out Meguro. Good times. Osu!

  2. Good times, indeed! We'll have to do it again!
