Monday, June 6, 2011


Last week was a bust as far as the 100x100 burpee challenge. I was lacking energy and especially motivation. While transferring files from my pc to Mac, I found a video clip of when I was training Kyokushin Karate in Japan. This clip shows the recital of the dojo kun, call them the 10 commandments of karate, though there aren't 10 commandments in the dojo kun. The first, roughly translated goes,"We will train our hearts and bodies for a firm unshaken spirit." There are others about humility, refraining from violence and otherwise being an upstanding guy, but I like the first one because it addresses confronting adversity in training and in life.

-24 pull-ups (ugh)
-100 burpees
-50 kneeling ab-roll-outs

I banged-up my left shoulder at Sambo; landed on it. It now clicks and makes popping sounds. Sambo class was a good one though. We worked on throwing from over the back grips (Georgian) and counters.

-weighted pull-ups (23 kg, 11,8,8)
-one-handed bent arm hang (L 3x5sec, R 3x10sec)
-single arm db clean & press (70 lbs, 2x3x5)
-120 burpees

I wanted to see if I could do 20 pull-ups with 23kg on the dip belt. I fell short. Left wrist is still troubling me. Couldn't perform on the hangs and the presses on the left side were a touch alarming at the top. For the burpees, I found a use for the Perfect Pushup handles I received as a gift. The handles are easy on my injured wrist and make the push-ups pain free. I was formerly of the opinion that the Perfect Pushup was just a gimmick-not anymore.

I bumped up the weight on the db to 70lbs (actually 71).

-3 mile jog
-4x100m sprints
-20 pull-ups
-150 burpees

My oldest daughter informed us that she was slated to run a 100 m leg of a relay race for school field day. It was a tad short notice to prepare her, so we took a jog over to the track to at least get her familiar with the distance. It was quite fun racing with my girl. Her speed surprised me. If she put in some regular practice, I'm sure she'd be able to dust her old man. . . but not just yet. I attempted muscle-ups at some nearby high-bars, but failed. It's the technique, I'm sure. It still eludes me.
