Saturday, June 12, 2010

saturday in the park with Mario

I met up with Mario, one of the dads I know from my children's school, for a run in the park. We warmed up with an easy run (about a mile) to the park, then did a circuit of pull-ups, dips, and front lever progressions on the high and parallel bars. Around us folks were swinging kettlebells or doing some type of boot-camp training. Some army reservists, they looked a little old and flabby to be active army, ran by silently. I was disappointed they weren't chanting cadences.

After the calisthenics, Mario and I hit the track for some 400 m sprints. Actually, it was one warm up lap, one actual sprint, and two cool down laps. I'll be heading back to this park regularly, especially now that I discovered where the exercise apparatus are. I might even find some training partners there. A few boxers and martial artists had brought mitts and were going through their pad work.


  1. Osu!

    That park sounds like a great find Meguro :)

  2. I like it! I'm planning on DIYing some rings to do ring dips and muscle-ups on the high bar.
