Friday, June 18, 2010

hell hath no fury

like a Concept 2 rowing ergometer scorned. It has been such a while since I used my rower, that a nice fat layer of dust formed on top of it. What a perfect time to use the erg for a finisher.

Today's workout comprised:
-wall supported handstands (2'13")
-HSPU (5x3)
-25.25 kg weighted pull-ups (10x4)
-Tabata row

Not so much progress on the handstand, however I did start incorporating HSPU in the routine. Watching Crossfit ladies bang-out HSPU's shamed me into it. Also, watching this guy perform bodyweight exercises with more than 20 years on me really has me sparked-up about improving my list of bodyweight party tricks.

Back to my workout, the weighted pull-ups are becoming easier, first time hitting 10 sets. Admittedly, the last 2 sets were less than ideal. The row was as painful as I remembered. I really shouldn't leave it out of the rotation too long.


  1. Osu! Thanks, MilkManX. I was getting lazy and had to do something if only as an excuse to write about it.
