Saturday, May 15, 2010

saturday's workout

Here we go:
-day 13 of the weighted pull-up plan (7x4, 4x3)
-Tabata thrusters (2x20kg db's)
-burpee breathing ladders (1-15, 1-7)

Apart from diminished soreness in my triceps, it's hard for me to tell if I'm making progress with the density pull-up plan. Less pain, is gain I suppose as it's a sign of some kind of adaption. The Tabata thrusters were a bear. The amount of reps per set made it look like a max strength workout on paper; however, the 10 seconds of rest between sets definitely puts it in another class of hell. After a five minute rest, I plunged into the burpee ladders. They weren't lung searing so much as quad burning.



  1. I felt the same way about the tabata thrusters. My number of reps was not impressive by any means, but the mere 10 seconds of "rest" really makes you work. That's a tough workout.

  2. You ain't kidding. There's no resting in 10 seconds.
