Saturday, March 10, 2012

Torn TFCC follow-up

You may recall my first post on my torn TFCC injury back in November of 2011. Well, it has been more than a few weeks and I am happy to report that there has been some improvement. Some improvement is better than none. When pressed, my orthopedist wouldn't guarantee 100% return of function so I don't regret the conservative approach I've taken.

When I say "some" improvement, I mean I can do simple tasks like washing my face without my wrist complaining. On the bathroom scale test, I can support the same amount of body-weight with the right hand as well as the left with a little discomfort. And today, I did 30 handstand pushups without having the wrist wrapped in yards of tape. Improvements to be sure. I have also lost a little range of motion. Then there's the fear that if my wrist undergoes another impact trauma my wrist will explode like a glass jar full of marbles hitting the floor. Karate, Sambo and Judo? Hmmn, I don't know. How many chances do I get to bounce back?

-advanced tuck, front lever body rows (20)
-Bent arm grip transitions (3x10)
-HSPU (3x10)+(3x10) sec bent arm holds)
-kb swings, 2x100x24 kgs

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