Hi folks, this is my first blog since taking off for Thanksgiving. You didn't miss much. I drove, ate some turkey, relaxed a few days and then drove back. It was the driving that squelched any desire to work out. Sitting in the car for hours is enervating.
That meant when I finally got back and rested, there was a significant pent up demand for training. Yesterday, I broke out the Frankenstein monster:
-set the kitchen timer for 10 minutes
-go wild
The few days off did me good. I completed 26 of the db burpees (clean to a thruster instead of the jump), up 2 reps from the last time. I was really spent doing this workout. The no-mas-ometer read 4.0.
-Sound of Wheezing
-10 burpees
-4 kneeling to standing roll-outs
-4 24 kg pull-ups
Again, a few days rest paid off, or was it repetition. SOW time 20'59. Time-off did not help the pull-ups. After the 4th set they got pretty sloppy. I seem to have regressed a bit on the pull-ups. The no-mas-ometer reads 3.5.