Friday, October 29, 2010

the cojones are in the mail

I had to take a break, dear reader, after partying with the MilkManX and J. I'm just as pretty as I was as a youngster but it takes me longer to bounce back from a few pints. Ah well. At least I enjoyed the company and the food (Blue Smoke BBQ).

So before partying it up with my buddies I did a kb breathing ladder: 1-20-1 kb swings, resting one breath per swing. Between reps 10-20 I limited the resting breaths to 10. This workout will put a hurt on your back if you're not prepared and will burn up your forearm flexors. Ay chihuahua! This took 23'12. I rested the next day. My business stayed glued.

-3x15 db hpc/burpees

I'm going to call this the "got cojones" routine, so the next time you hear it you'll know what I'm talking about. Grip is no longer a problem. I held on to the db's throughout every set. The problem is now in my quads. The combination of the cleans and the burpees turns my legs to jelly.

The rate of progress is diminishing. Whereas before I was taking off a minute per, I'm now advancing in fractions of a minute. Today's time was 6'31. I told myself I'll add more weight to the db's when I crack 5'. It might be later than I hoped.

The no-mas-ometer reads 3.7.
