Just me and another guy at Judo class last night. I have no idea why folks have been ducking class. Since it was just the two of us, we had our pick and choose of technique to work on. I worked on uchi mata, tai otoshi, and sode tsuri komi goshi. After that, some back squats and push presses.
-dips (20 lbs,3x10), weighted holds (20 lbs, 3x30 secs)
-chin-ups (80 lbs, 5x3, 5x10 sec holds)
-100 turns of Bulgarian bag (40 lbs)
-sledgehammer swings and levers
On the horizon, I agreed to a 100 burpees for 100 days challenge starting the first of May. This might suck.
Friday, April 29, 2011
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Ever since returning from a week of fun in the sun, I've been feeling out of sorts. It is certain that anaerobic capacity has fallen off. Strength too, probably. I feel burnt out without having done anything. Blech.
-50 burpees and 25 pull-ups (5'03)
-30 bw pull-ups
I didn't have 100 burpees in me. . . again! Finished with 30 body weight pull-ups in addition to the 25 I did with the burpees.
-db power hang cleans & push press (40, 8'30, 2x50 lbs)
-dips (10, 20)
-weighted dip iso-holds (2x30 secs, 20lbs)
Because of the wrist sprain I dropped the weight on the db's to 50 lbs each. I had hoped that with the weight reduction I might be able to crank out something amazing like 100 reps. Pft. At least my wrist held together.
-50 burpees and 25 pull-ups (5'03)
-30 bw pull-ups
I didn't have 100 burpees in me. . . again! Finished with 30 body weight pull-ups in addition to the 25 I did with the burpees.
-db power hang cleans & push press (40, 8'30, 2x50 lbs)
-dips (10, 20)
-weighted dip iso-holds (2x30 secs, 20lbs)
Because of the wrist sprain I dropped the weight on the db's to 50 lbs each. I had hoped that with the weight reduction I might be able to crank out something amazing like 100 reps. Pft. At least my wrist held together.
Friday, April 22, 2011
a pain in the wrist is a pain in the a**
-ab roll-outs (3x10)
-Tabata row
-weighted dips (20 lbs, 10, 4, 4, 3x20 sec holds)
I'm thinking consecutive days of Tabata rowing are not good for me. I need to rest at least a day in between. I was a little worried about shoulders and so have shunned doing weighted dips. So what do I do? weighted dips. Sigh.
-Judo class
-back squats (2x10, 150 lbs)
-barbell push press (95 lbs, 5x3)
I mention Judo class because it preceded the workout and was a workout in itself. Newaza, the ground wrestling component of Judo requires a lot of strength endurance. It's a mix of explosive movements as well as drawn-out isometric exertion. Nagewaza refers to the throwing technique, and may requires you to hoist your opponent on your back prior to slamming him into the ground. This activity will utilize your core, including your obliques, erector spinae, and other muscles which are today reminding me I am not the young man I used to be. When it came to do the 20 rep squat, I was too tired to do it in one set. Kinda defeats the purpose of the breathing squat, but. . .
Also, I don't remember how I sprained my wrist, but I sprained my wrist. Soft tissue injuries, it seems, never heal. It's not like a broken bone which when healed is supposed to have a denser deposit of calcium. A sprain is for life.
-ab roll-outs (3x10)
-Tabata row
-weighted dips (20 lbs, 10, 4, 4, 3x20 sec holds)
I'm thinking consecutive days of Tabata rowing are not good for me. I need to rest at least a day in between. I was a little worried about shoulders and so have shunned doing weighted dips. So what do I do? weighted dips. Sigh.
-Judo class
-back squats (2x10, 150 lbs)
-barbell push press (95 lbs, 5x3)
I mention Judo class because it preceded the workout and was a workout in itself. Newaza, the ground wrestling component of Judo requires a lot of strength endurance. It's a mix of explosive movements as well as drawn-out isometric exertion. Nagewaza refers to the throwing technique, and may requires you to hoist your opponent on your back prior to slamming him into the ground. This activity will utilize your core, including your obliques, erector spinae, and other muscles which are today reminding me I am not the young man I used to be. When it came to do the 20 rep squat, I was too tired to do it in one set. Kinda defeats the purpose of the breathing squat, but. . .
Also, I don't remember how I sprained my wrist, but I sprained my wrist. Soft tissue injuries, it seems, never heal. It's not like a broken bone which when healed is supposed to have a denser deposit of calcium. A sprain is for life.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
ramming speed
-db hang power cleans (2x65lbs, 30, 6'45)
-weighted chin-ups (80 lbs, 3x3, 3x5 sec bent arm hangs)
-weighted bent arm hangs (80 lbs, 3x10 secs)
-Tabata row
-sledgehammer swipes and swings
So I added a 10 lbs plate to the dip belt for a grand total of 80 lbs. It was a struggle to do three proper reps per set of chin-ups with this weight. Working sets of 100 lbs, here I come! The Tabata row was a nice finisher. I felt better than last time, and pulled strongly for each work period.
-db hang power cleans (2x65lbs, 30, 6'45)
-weighted chin-ups (80 lbs, 3x3, 3x5 sec bent arm hangs)
-weighted bent arm hangs (80 lbs, 3x10 secs)
-Tabata row
-sledgehammer swipes and swings
So I added a 10 lbs plate to the dip belt for a grand total of 80 lbs. It was a struggle to do three proper reps per set of chin-ups with this weight. Working sets of 100 lbs, here I come! The Tabata row was a nice finisher. I felt better than last time, and pulled strongly for each work period.
Monday, April 18, 2011
db squatting
-high rep db squats (2x65 lbs, 70, 5'25)
-bw dips (3x10, 3x30 sec holds)
-sledgehammer levers and swipes
I was planning on doing hang power cleans today, but my lower back was thinking something else. I went with db squats with the idea of shooting for 100 reps in as quick a time as possible. Unfortunately, my grip betrayed me and I had to call it quits at 70 otherwise I'd have some explaining to do about a couple divots in the parquet flooring.
-high rep db squats (2x65 lbs, 70, 5'25)
-bw dips (3x10, 3x30 sec holds)
-sledgehammer levers and swipes
I was planning on doing hang power cleans today, but my lower back was thinking something else. I went with db squats with the idea of shooting for 100 reps in as quick a time as possible. Unfortunately, my grip betrayed me and I had to call it quits at 70 otherwise I'd have some explaining to do about a couple divots in the parquet flooring.
Friday, April 15, 2011
Git some!
Last night after Judo class, I wandered into the weight room of the Y. It had been years since I've been in a weight room-gave up gym memberships when the kids were born-so I was curious to see what I'd been missing. Barbells, squat racks, Olympic plates, yee-ha! So I step into the squat rack and prepare to do some squatting, when I hear the loud sounds of a guy psyching himself up, "C'mon, git some! 10 more! Woo-hoo!" It sounded like somebody lifting very heavy weight. My brain could not process what my ears were hearing and my eyes were seeing. The dude was doing push-ups, but you'd think he had 900 lbs on a bar. As Ronnie Coleman would say, "Ain't nuthin but a peanut."
-back squat (145lbs, 20)*
-bw dips (3x10, 3x30 secs holds)
Met a new people at Judo
Mark-white belt
Suzie-black belt
*gotta start somewhere
-back squat (145lbs, 20)*
-bw dips (3x10, 3x30 secs holds)
Met a new people at Judo
Mark-white belt
Suzie-black belt
*gotta start somewhere
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
do I know you?
A quarter of the year is past and I haven't touched the rower. That's not right!
-bw dips (3x10, 3x30 sec holds)
-bw pull-ups (20, 10)
-Tabata row
-sledgehammer mills & levers
The Tabata row on my Concept ii rowing ergometer was a great finisher to cap off a not so taxing training day. Funny how the first couple 20 secs. work periods seem easy and then it all starts to unravel. My heart rate rarely gets this high. I must remember to do more of these, I've been cheating myself.
-db power cleans (30, 2x65 lbs)
-weighted chin-ups (70 lbs, 5x5)
-sledge hammer mills & levers
-bw dips (3x10, 3x30 sec holds)
-bw pull-ups (20, 10)
-Tabata row
-sledgehammer mills & levers
The Tabata row on my Concept ii rowing ergometer was a great finisher to cap off a not so taxing training day. Funny how the first couple 20 secs. work periods seem easy and then it all starts to unravel. My heart rate rarely gets this high. I must remember to do more of these, I've been cheating myself.
-db power cleans (30, 2x65 lbs)
-weighted chin-ups (70 lbs, 5x5)
-sledge hammer mills & levers
Monday, April 11, 2011
If I had a hammer
When you live in an apartment building, you really must resist the urge to accumulate stuff. Space comes at a premium and there is so little of it. If you train at home like I do, you are faced with the dilemma of requiring gear and training space with no backyard or basement. I have a huge list of things I'd like to have, but have no space for. This weekend, however, I got a piece of kit that I never thought I would have until I moved out to the 'burbs, a 10 lbs sledge hammer!
"Why, oh why, oh why?" you might ask. Well, $6.93 for a brand new 10 lbs sledge hammer is a bargain (they usually retail for around $30). Besides, how much floor space does a sledge hammer occupy? A lot less than another set of dumbbells I'll tell you. I didn't find a cheap tractor tire to bang away on with the hammer. That'll have to wait until I get to the 'burbs. The point of my new acquisition is grip training. Levering a 10 lbs hammer is a serious workout. With this 10 lbs bad-boy, I'm going to have to choke up on the handle quite a bit.
-Judo class
This was the first day of any exercise since vacation. I found myself breathing heavier than usual during the three bouts of standing randori (3 mins each) and two bouts of groundwork (2 mins each). It's not that much work, because of the small class size, but it's challenging enough for me. Unlike karate, Judo newaza (the groundwork) requires quite a lot of isometric strength endurance. I'll be doing more weighted bent arm hangs and hammer holds in the future.
-20 bw pull-ups
-weighted chin-ups (3x5, 70 lbs)
-kneeling to standing ab roll-outs (3x10)
-bw dips (2x10, 2x30 sec iso holds)
-db snatch (40, 65 lbs, 12 min)
-hammer levering
-50 burpees and 25 pull-ups (5')
-bw dips (2x10, 2x30 sec holds)
I'm not feeling very spry. My stamina seems to have been hit hard by the 1 week lay-off. I think I must concentrate on doing a little something everyday, even when on vacation. Otherwise, as I'm discovering, I lose much hard won ground. Argh!
"Why, oh why, oh why?" you might ask. Well, $6.93 for a brand new 10 lbs sledge hammer is a bargain (they usually retail for around $30). Besides, how much floor space does a sledge hammer occupy? A lot less than another set of dumbbells I'll tell you. I didn't find a cheap tractor tire to bang away on with the hammer. That'll have to wait until I get to the 'burbs. The point of my new acquisition is grip training. Levering a 10 lbs hammer is a serious workout. With this 10 lbs bad-boy, I'm going to have to choke up on the handle quite a bit.
-Judo class
This was the first day of any exercise since vacation. I found myself breathing heavier than usual during the three bouts of standing randori (3 mins each) and two bouts of groundwork (2 mins each). It's not that much work, because of the small class size, but it's challenging enough for me. Unlike karate, Judo newaza (the groundwork) requires quite a lot of isometric strength endurance. I'll be doing more weighted bent arm hangs and hammer holds in the future.
-20 bw pull-ups
-weighted chin-ups (3x5, 70 lbs)
-kneeling to standing ab roll-outs (3x10)
-bw dips (2x10, 2x30 sec iso holds)
-db snatch (40, 65 lbs, 12 min)
-hammer levering
-50 burpees and 25 pull-ups (5')
-bw dips (2x10, 2x30 sec holds)
I'm not feeling very spry. My stamina seems to have been hit hard by the 1 week lay-off. I think I must concentrate on doing a little something everyday, even when on vacation. Otherwise, as I'm discovering, I lose much hard won ground. Argh!
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Sailing, sailing away
Maybe you remember that treacly Chris Cross tune from the 1980's, and maybe you youngsters don't. I thought of it as I unwind from a week of sailing in the Caribbean with my family. We are not long time mariners, but have gone on day sails in the past. I was finally able to get the family motivated to take a week-long basic sailing course. Now we know the difference between a jib and a jibe!
We lived aboard a 41' Beneteau sloop. The kids slept in the aft cabin while my wife and I occupied the one forward. You might think that with two cabins (bedrooms), space was plenty-not really. Living on a boat, at least one in our budget range, is a test of family dynamics. Then there's getting used to the marine toilet, otherwise known as the head. It's not quite the hotel experience-then again a simple room can't offer the excitement of riding the wind and waves. I marveled at how my children, ages 14 and 11, took to sailing. The kids are deeply satisfied at being able to pilot a vessel as large as a school bus, years before they'll get a permit to drive a car.

We had sailing lessons from 10 AM to 4 PM, almost all of that time on the water. It's strenuous activity being under the sun, keeping your balance and fighting against the pull of the wind on the sheets. At the end of the day, you are quite spent. One afternoon we combed the beach for shells. My eldest daughter, I'm pleased to learn, has a good eye with the camera.
If you're wondering when the workouts are going to appear in this post, I'm sorry to have to disappoint you. I did not do any training. The next installment, I promise, will be about trying to pick-up where I left off.

We had sailing lessons from 10 AM to 4 PM, almost all of that time on the water. It's strenuous activity being under the sun, keeping your balance and fighting against the pull of the wind on the sheets. At the end of the day, you are quite spent. One afternoon we combed the beach for shells. My eldest daughter, I'm pleased to learn, has a good eye with the camera.
If you're wondering when the workouts are going to appear in this post, I'm sorry to have to disappoint you. I did not do any training. The next installment, I promise, will be about trying to pick-up where I left off.
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