Sunday, January 22, 2012

Exercise to beat stress

If you're reading this, you probably already know that exercise helps you deal with stress. I've been trying to convince my wife and older daughter of this with limited success until today. Usually, I get the"I'm too busy for exercise," brush-off. The stars aligned for me today and I got my wife and daughter to skip rope: 1000's turns for me and the kid; 500 turns for the Mrs. It's a start.

-26 front tuck lever body rows
-rope skipping
-straight arm isometrics on the Akro Wheels

My younger daughter didn't take part in the rope skipping, but I give her props for working on pull-up progressions. Boo-yah!


  1. Awesome that you got the rest of the fam in on it!

    1. Thanks sandman! Hope they stick with it.

    2. Yeah it is like pulling teeth! I have almost got the wife to at least join a local dance/aerobics class but she is stalling...

  2. Maybe you'll have better luck than me with the kettlebells, Mike.:-D
