Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Squat cleans for reps

I love me some db squat cleans! I mean, what's not to like? You develop explosiveness, a strong core, your traps, grip and will. I want to do these everyday.

-DB squat cleans (100 lbs; 10,8,5,5,5)

While we are on the subject of squatting, I thought I'd mention a quick fix for low back pain. The other day I woke up feeling some tightness in my lower back. I had been doing some kb swings and squats days before and slept funny. Anyway, I got out of bed feeling old like Fred Sanford. I guess I am pretty old if I'm using a Redd Foxx reference. Foam rolling, my usual go-to for muscle aches was ineffectual. Same with the lacrosse balls, my silver bullet of late for muscle pain.

What finally worked was just squatting down, heels to the ground and sitting this way for several minutes. Upon standing, I noticed that the tightness was gone. I could speculate that by squatting I corrected the hyper-lordosis in my spine, but I'm not qualified. I just know that I'm feeling much better. Next I'm going to work on my slouching shoulders. Poor posture and decreased shoulder mobility can contribute to lower back pain, so I've heard.

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