Friday, June 25, 2010

departing shots

Tomorrow I'll be flying off to visit the in-laws so this page will be quiet for a while. Before I go, I just wanted to log this workout:
-handstand (2'44")
-HSPU (3x5)
-26.5 kg pull-ups (5x4, 6x3, 2)
-100 single arm kb swings

I'll be back on the scene July 5th. Aloha!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

on the waterfront

There was a time when New York City was one of the busiest commercial shipping ports in the world. These are some pilings that jut into the Hudson River. Atop them would sit piers, which would line the riverbank like so many teeth on a comb. Not anymore.

-Handstand (2'31")
-HSPU (5,3,3)
-25.25 kg weighted pull-ups (10x4)
-Tabata row

Sunday, June 20, 2010

sprinting is a pain in the butt (heel)

After last week's sprinting in the park with Mario, my plantar fasciitis flared up again! Argh. Stretching the gastroc and soleus helps reduce the soreness, as does rolling my foot over a dowel or golf ball. But, dang, I hate when the plantar fasciitis comes around.

Yesterday was too nice not to run out to the park again, so I did, slowly. Each step felt like treading on sharp pebbles under my heel so there was no sprinting, just shuffling. I shuffled a mile out to the park. I shuffled one turn around the track and then I hit the parallel and high bars. Even though I did weighted pull the day before, the lure of the exercise equipment was hard to resist.

-lever pull ups (3x6)
-dips (3x10)
-assisted single arm negs

In the evening, I took my dad out to see the Karate (Kung-Fu) Kid. I went in with some reservations, but ended up enjoying the film. Ralph Macchio, the original Karate Kid, always elicited an urge in me to punch him out. And Pat Morita's fakey Japanglish made my eye's roll. Jaden Smith and Jackie Chan fit the parts of protege and mentor much better, I thought. I ended up liking the film.

Friday, June 18, 2010

hell hath no fury

like a Concept 2 rowing ergometer scorned. It has been such a while since I used my rower, that a nice fat layer of dust formed on top of it. What a perfect time to use the erg for a finisher.

Today's workout comprised:
-wall supported handstands (2'13")
-HSPU (5x3)
-25.25 kg weighted pull-ups (10x4)
-Tabata row

Not so much progress on the handstand, however I did start incorporating HSPU in the routine. Watching Crossfit ladies bang-out HSPU's shamed me into it. Also, watching this guy perform bodyweight exercises with more than 20 years on me really has me sparked-up about improving my list of bodyweight party tricks.

Back to my workout, the weighted pull-ups are becoming easier, first time hitting 10 sets. Admittedly, the last 2 sets were less than ideal. The row was as painful as I remembered. I really shouldn't leave it out of the rotation too long.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

saturday in the park with Mario

I met up with Mario, one of the dads I know from my children's school, for a run in the park. We warmed up with an easy run (about a mile) to the park, then did a circuit of pull-ups, dips, and front lever progressions on the high and parallel bars. Around us folks were swinging kettlebells or doing some type of boot-camp training. Some army reservists, they looked a little old and flabby to be active army, ran by silently. I was disappointed they weren't chanting cadences.

After the calisthenics, Mario and I hit the track for some 400 m sprints. Actually, it was one warm up lap, one actual sprint, and two cool down laps. I'll be heading back to this park regularly, especially now that I discovered where the exercise apparatus are. I might even find some training partners there. A few boxers and martial artists had brought mitts and were going through their pad work.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

got a cramp? pucker up

This article (click title) claims that you can stop a muscle from cramping by drinking pickle juice or straight vinegar. It has something to do with the sourness resetting the contraction mechanism in the muscle. Whatever. I decided to test it out.

As you recall, I've been working on the handstand. Ultimately, my goal is handstand push-ups, but for now, it's trying to hold a continuous wall-supported handstand for as long as I can. When I first started, 12 seconds was the max. Eventually, 40 secs. Today, 50 seconds. Previously, the 40 seconds mark was when severe cramping would hit my mid to upper back. Not today. I splashed some apple cider vinegar in a shot glass and diluted it with a little water. Then I popped the hand stand.

The workout:
-handstand (50 secs, 40, 40)
-25.25 kg weighted pull-ups (7x4,2x3,3x2)
-fat grip hang power clean & press (4 on the minute for 10 minutes)

While I don't think my little experiment validated the article, it left the door open for more study. Whether I broke through the 40 sec wall because of the vinegar shots or simple progression, I don't know. The placebo effect can't be discounted either. I'll be experimenting with apple cider vinegar and maybe throwing some sour candies in the gym bag.

The pull-up plateau has been busted. I struggled for a while with the set/rep scheme and couldn't make any improvement. I was stymied. Then it occurred to me that there's more than one way to progress. I added a 1.25 kg plate to the dip belt. The set/rep scheme is almost identical, but now I'm pulling more weight.

The finisher was a grip masher. Anybody wanting to rehab a thumb injury should consider fat grip db hang power cleans.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

japan day

New York City celebrated Japan Day, June 6, with live music, a samurai parade and other activities in Central Park's East meadow. I met up with fellow K4L member, JC and his son, in hopes of catching a Kyokushin Karate demonstration. It turned out that this year's demo was severely truncated: 10 mae geri.


The first time it happened, we chalked it up to plain ol' bad luck. Just as I whipped out my credit card and asked for two tickets to see "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo", the ticket vendor tells me that she'd just sold the last two tickets to the couple before me. Bastards! Better luck next time.

Last night, my wife and I bought two tickets an hour and a half early, plenty of time to assure us of two seats. A few blocks away was a reasonably uncrowded (for a Saturday night in NYC's Soho) bistro, Jacques. We asked for a banquette table inside; outside was too balmy to enjoy a meal. So far so good. I noticed a reserved notice on the table to my left, but thought nothing of it. We ordered, got our drinks, and started our date night conversation. The subject was "Gee, this is going to be an interesting evening." At this point, I became aware that the reserved table next to us was now occupied. A quick glance tells me the patron, single middle aged guy, craggy features, dark hair, is a well known actor. I switch into Japanese and inform my wife, that way we can converse without betraying our interest; we are jaded New Yorkers after all, actors are a dime a dozen.

So far, the evening is a success. We have our movie tickets in hand. We are well fed. We are glowing in the halo of celebrity. Our waiter suggests a blueberry cheesecake, that night's dessert special, but we decline. On a different night, it might have been interesting to dally over dessert and eavesdrop on the conversation taking place nearby, a beautiful dinner companion had joined the actor, but we had tickets to a show. Next time, definitely.

With ample time to spare we arrive at the theater, where we find drama.
theater manager-We dropped the film.
me-You can't drop the film, we paid.
theater manager-No, we really dropped the film. The reel, it hit the floor.
me- So, pick it up.
theater manager-The reel unwound and got tangled. There's no way to show the film this evening.
me- Doh! (not really,more like You bastards!)

Have a nice day.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

last week, this week

June 1
-handstand (2 mins)
-24 kg weighted pull-ups (5,4,10x3,1)
-60 kg squat cleans (10 mins)

-handstand (2 mins)
-24 kg weighted pull-ups (7x4, 4x3)
-50 kg c&p (3 on the minute for 10 mins)

Not a whole lot happened between last week and this week, training-wise. The only exercise worth mentioning is the occasional assisted, one-armed negative on the pull-up bar. The way this works is you pull up with both arms, then release all but the ring and pinky fingers of the support hand from the bar as you lower yourself with most of your weight borne by one arm.