Thursday, November 10, 2011

A torn TFCC

Finally, my orthopedist diagnoses my bum wrist- torn TFCC (Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex). The treatment, he says, is arthroscopy. I trust the man. If there is any cutting to be done, I am more than confident he can do it. It's just that he won't know whether the surgery will involve debridement, that is removing damaged tissue, or whether he can sew things up. I'd thought about alternative therapies. I was particularly keen on PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma therapy), where growth factors and other proteins extracted from your own blood are injected into your soft tissue injury. Unfortunately, my insurance won't pay for PRP.

In my search for alternate cures I came across the Wrist Widget. What I like about this brace is that it makes my wrist feel stable immediately. It fits my wrist just as I would tape it. If all goes to plan, the TFCC will heal by itself. I'll be able to measure return to function with a simple bathroom scale instead of an MRI machine. If after wearing the brace for a few weeks I can press down on the scale without pain to a level close to what my unaffected arm can do, I am good. If not, there's still the option of arthroscopy. I'm on my second week of wristwidget voodoo. Wish me luck.

Training continues despite the injury. The details are pretty similar to what you've seen before.

-20 bodyweight pull-ups from a tuck lever
-dumbbell clean and press (1-6-1 pyramid)
-10 sec tuck planche

What's new is the tuck lever pull-ups and the tuck planche. The pull-ups were easy, but they probably set up the terrific abdominal cramp I experienced when I attempted the tuck planche. Ay chihuahua!

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