Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Treating my elbow

So I'm back on track, having sorted out the elbow and shoulder pain. It turns out that spinning the jump rope with excessive wrist motion annoys my forearm extensors. The fix was rather simple: I used less wrist for rope skipping; SMR.

I treated my elbow by applying pressure to the spot on the forearm where the extensors originate. A golf ball or high bounce ball, such as you might find at the dollar store, are usually fine for such a small trigger point. Too bad for me the elbow is not so amenable to massage with these tools. I tried. Applying the Spock Pinch to the elbow while rotating the wrist, much like a royal family member might when waving to the hoi polloi, took care of the pain.

You'll notice HSPU's are back on the scene. I'm anxious to get the shoulder strength up to deal with the demands of the Maltese/planche as well as the Flag (yeah, why not?) I'm thinking of working on 100x100 lbs db squats so as not to completely ignore the legs. The core endurance will also come in handy for the aforementioned goals. On the OACU project, I'm stalled on doing assisted one-armed, bent arm hangs. Previously, assistance was provided by a finger or two on a Rock Ring. Now I'm just pinching the door frame with my free hand as I hang from the pull-up bar.

Today's workout is representative of the types of things I've been doing since my last post.

-advanced tuck front lever rows (2x20)
-pull up to a front lever,10
-assisted OA Bent Arm Hang 2x5x10 secs
-HSPU 3x(10+10 sec bent arm hold)
-db front squat 3x10
-Tabata Row

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Changing gears

So it seems that my pull-up/HSPU routine is wreaking havoc with my joints (left shoulder and elbow). Is there any way other than wreaking to bring about havoc? I'm going to switch gears, maybe focus on mobility and conditioning a little bit. I left out the HSPU's and am definitely not going to do anymore db cleans after today.

-29 front tuck lever body rows
-3 mile run

-30 front tuck lever body rows
-Tabata row on the C2

-advanced tuck lever body row (2x20)
-assisted OACU and isos (pinching door frame)
-db cleans, power cleans, shrugs
-elbow lever (3x20 secs)
-Bulgarian bag circles (40 lbs, 10 min)

Swinging a 40 lbs Bulgarian bag in circles is a lot harder than I remember it to be. 100 circles in 10 minutes! That's got to be a record in wimpy, but I'll take it and hopefully improve on it.