Wednesday, December 15, 2010

It's a gas, gas, gas

Same but different stuff today. The first part of the workout consisted of hang clean thrusters: 10 minutes; 3 reps on the minute; 2x24kg dbs + 5kgs in a backpack. I didn't want to use heavier db's because of the touchy shoulders, so the extra weight in a back-pack seemed like the thing to do. If I had a weight vest, I would have used it instead. I think I can add more weight to the back pack next time.

The next thing I did was 500 hundred jumping jacks. I have never in my life done this many jumping jacks but after reading about somebody else incorporating 500 jj's in their training, I thought I'd give it a try too. They're just the thing to build up the soft tissue in my lower legs and feet. Now, 500 jumping jacks did not get me wheezing like 500 burpees might, but I did experience some slight cramping. My calves and quads are just a little tingly now. I'll be using the Stick and lacrosse balls to unglue some bidnez tonight.

Monday, December 13, 2010


I spent the weekend working on my shiju-kata. For my karate pals out there, no, it's not a martial dance with hidden deadly technique. Shiju (40) and kata (shoulder) is a Japanese term referring to shoulder immobility characteristic of desk-bound types in their 40's. My shiju-kata presents itself as an inability to touch fingertips of opposite hands when one arm is raised above shoulder level, elbow bent, hand behind the head, while the other arm reaches up from behind. In truth, I had poor shoulder mobility long before I hit my 40's. It's only now that I am trying to address it.

One of the things I'm doing to combat shiju-kata is to raise one forearm behind my back with the aid of nylon webbing. The webbing loops around the wrist and drapes towards the front of the opposite shoulder. Pull down on the free end. You need to do this move while seated in a chair. With the arm raise in this position, lean into the chair back and enjoy the pain.

12-13-10 (more density training)
-15 minutes of squat-clean press and weighted pull-ups
-2 reps of each per minute

The no-mas-ometer reads 3.8. Ouch.

My lower back fatigued before I could get to 20 minutes. I stopped at the 15 minute mark rather than risk injury. You can bet I'll be hitting the lacrosse balls for recovery.

Friday, December 10, 2010

fair trade

I was thinking of the cultural largesse we receive from Japan in the form of Karate, Nintendo, Godzilla and anime, and felt slightly embarrassed with what we gave in return-PlanetHollywood? Pft! Today I can raise my head in pride. Japan, we give you, Hooters!

Coming off a cold, which put me out of commission for a few days, I wanted to ease back into training. Since one of my goals is to increase my capacity for thrusters and pull-ups (Fran), I thought I'd do a little bit of density training today. You know, ease into it.

-Set the kitchen timer for 20 minutes
-2 Frankensteins(2x24.7 kgs), 2 weighted pull-ups (24 kgs) on the minute

For the first 10 minutes, it looked like I would stick to the pace. I didn't notice a slackening of the pace until I looked at the remaining time and realized I was working at half the previous work rate. Cleaning and squatting the db's seemed to be my sticking point. Pressing the db's hardly was an issue-no leg drive, strict presses. The pull-ups were sloppy but complete. In the end I completed 30 reps of Frankensteins and weighted pull-ups.

Not the ease-back-into-it routine I envisioned, but it's good to be back. The no-mas-ometer reads 3.8. No mas. No mas.


Monday, December 6, 2010

Twofer tuesdays

Actually, it's Monday, but I like the alliteration and I've got two workouts to post.

Friday's workout was the original Twofer Tuesday. It comprised 20 minutes of double kick combinations: 2x's hiza; low-high, mid-high, low-mid mawashi; mawashi, ushiro mawashi. You get the idea. Key to this workout was timing and rhythm. Sounds a lot like dancing, especially when done to music. That is what I did.

If you haven't noticed, fighting is a lot like dancing. Both fighting and dancing are partner events which require that you pick up cues and notice patterns of behavior. Get that down, and you are well on your way to predicting your opponent's next move, or better planning his move for him. When you're solo training or shadow boxing, crank up the tunes.

-Frankenstein (10 minutes of db squat-clean, push-press (or thruster) burpees)

I used the sweep second hand on my watch to time my rests (30 secs) between sets of three and completed 27 reps. It doesn't sound like a lot in 10 minutes, but I was well spent. The no-mas-ometer reads 3.6.


Thursday, December 2, 2010

Going with the flow

The plan today was a date with Hilde (50 burpees; 21,15,9 thrusters and pull-ups). As luck would have it, I got interrupted right after finishing the first set of thrusters and burpees. Dang! Just 50 burpees in and 21 thrusters and pull-ups under my belt and I had to stop.

The interruption lasted about 30 minutes. I didn't want to start over again, so I compromised. It was pretty painful getting that first set of 21 done. Took me 4'55. I decided to do another set of 21 thrusters and 21 pull-ups and call it a day. Finished the second set in 4'15.

That felt like a 3.7 on the no-mas-ometer.
