Same but different stuff today. The first part of the workout consisted of hang clean thrusters: 10 minutes; 3 reps on the minute; 2x24kg dbs + 5kgs in a backpack. I didn't want to use heavier db's because of the touchy shoulders, so the extra weight in a back-pack seemed like the thing to do. If I had a weight vest, I would have used it instead. I think I can add more weight to the back pack next time.
The next thing I did was 500 hundred jumping jacks. I have never in my life done this many jumping jacks but after reading about somebody else incorporating 500 jj's in their training, I thought I'd give it a try too. They're just the thing to build up the soft tissue in my lower legs and feet. Now, 500 jumping jacks did not get me wheezing like 500 burpees might, but I did experience some slight cramping. My calves and quads are just a little tingly now. I'll be using the Stick and lacrosse balls to unglue some bidnez tonight.