Pain is a dashboard warning light blinking. Usually it signals something is wrong. My elbow hurts. It's been sore for about two weeks. I expected soreness. A combination of high rep burpees, weighted pull-ups and dips is bound to elicit pain eventually. Massage is an active way to deal with the pain.
The photo shows my favorite anti-pain medication: self massage gadgets all. At the extreme left are the two most frequently used tools: a hard plastic Indo Board cylinder and the Stick. Whenever I refer to the foam roller, I am actually talking about the Indo Board cylinder. The cylinder has proven useful in treating my back pain and plantar fasciitis. Runners should be familiar with the Stick. It's great for shin splints, calf and IT band issues, and elbow tendinitis. I've been using the Stick on my triceps. It greatly reduces the soreness in my elbow.
Further right are various sized balls. A ball placed between a trigger point and a wall or the floor brings almost instantaneous relief. I recovered from a whiplash injury using a golfball in this manner. The Knobble (mushroom shaped device) and the blue caltrop looking thingy are handy trigger point release tools. I am currently using these for massaging the extensor and supinator muscles in my forearms.
Friday's workout:
-27 squat cleans
-10 minutes of burpees
-1 minute tuck front lever (4x15 secs)
-12 sec hand stand
-10 minutes of kb high pulls